Three Signs You Might Be Dating the Wrong Girl

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3 Signs You Might Be Dating the Wrong Girl
In relationships, sometimes you have to pass through a lot of broken roads before you eventually meet the proverbial “The One.” Well, that statement is true for most people. Relationships are complicated in nature and for a good reason.
If having a romantic relationship with someone is easy, then it is never worth fighting for. However, what makes a relationship more complex is when you are dating a girl that is completely wrong for you.
Haven’t you noticed that your friends stop hanging out with you since you dated your current girlfriend? They are not giving you space and time for you to enjoy the experience of being in a relationship. They are obviously avoiding your girlfriend.
You know you deserve a break from dating all the wrong women. If you want a chance at a real relationship, you have to be aware of the red flags that the person you are currently dating is not the one for you.
There are signs you need to know and you have to be a keen observer to really see them. Here are some of the warning signs that you are not dating the right girl.

She Flirts Big Time
If the girl you are dating easily gets physically attracted to every guy she meets, then you have to back off a little. There are tell-tale signs that your current flame is a perpetual flirt.
Ever noticed your girl keeping her eyes on another man even when she is chatting with you? Or do you always see her playing with her hair and casually touching every attractive guy she is speaking with? You are dating a serial flirt.
It is something to be proud of if your girl is every guy’s fantasy. However, if your girl makes moves and hits on any man who fantasizes her, then that is a huge problem for you.
Before you commit yourse...

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... over him is when she still turns to him for emotional support even when she knows that you can provide that kind of support for her.
If your girlfriend talks about his ex a lot and starts comparing you to him with the ex-boyfriend winning every comparison, then she is clearly not over him. When you feel that you are dating someone who still has unresolved feelings for her ex beau, you need to calmly talk to her about it.
It is possible that she is just confused with her feelings. Maybe you need to break up with her while she settles what is needed to be settled with her ex.
Elizabeth Davis is a well known and respected relationship adviser. Visit her website where she offers free, no-holds-barred counseling, friendship and support to anyone experiencing difficulties in their marriage. You can also connect with her on her Facebook Fanpage.

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