Thomas Gray's Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard

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Thomas Gray’s “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” is significant in that it not only mourns the death of common men but also examines how they ought to be remembered after their death. The speaker does not create a separation between rich and poor but regards everyone as equal. His main goal is to depict the reality that everyone must die. This poem carries a moralistic side about human life. Gray points out that the rich and proud should not mock at the simple life of the poor when in reality they are just like them in that, they also have to die and leave all their wealth and luxuries behind. This poem is not boring and offensive but rather inspiring and motivating.

“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” consists of a hundred and twenty eight lines separated into thirty two quatrains including an epitaph. Each of these quatrains is effectively composed, precise and to the point. The transition of words and thoughts from each stanza takes place in a smooth and organized fashion. The language and expressions are simple and without anything excessive and exaggerated. There is grace and meaning as he goes on in the stanzas. Lines 1-12 of the poem start in a churchyard with the speaker who is depicting his surroundings in detail. The speaker highlights both aural and visual descriptions as he observes the area relating to himself. For example, ‘curfew tolls’, ‘lowing herd’, ‘glimm’ring landscape’, ‘solemn stillness’, ‘drowsy tinklings’, ‘moping owl’ show the aural and visual descriptions The speaker uses to describe his surroundings. The speaker gives readers a sense of the solitary and still environment he is currently in. Lines 13 to 28 is where the speaker begins to reflect that the death for the lower class meant an end to ...

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...ortray. He gives a perfect expression to his feelings and thoughts. He has also generalized his personal views and reflections. Not only do the reflections on life and death make this poem inspirational but more important the progression he gave those thoughts. This poem contains distinctive lines that make you look at what he is trying to say from a different angle. Gray wants his readers to know that it is important for one to live life with humility and dignity whether rich or poor because in the end, it is important to have at least one person to remember you for the life you lived. In the end, that is what matters not social class or status.

Work Cited

Gray, Thomas. “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard.” The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Major Authors. 9th Ed. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt. New York: W.W. Norton, 2013. 1396 - 1400. Print.

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