Of Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God?

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Nicole V. Sengsavang Monday May 19th, 2014 History 1302-84245 James R. Voorhies Their Eyes Were Watching God Their Eyes Were Watching God is a feminist novel that consist of a love genre, gleaming with charm and sincere wisdom. The novelist, Zora Neale Hurston, drafted Their Eyes Were Watching God in little as seven weeks during her stay in Haiti. The publishing of her book took place in native homeland, New York, New York, in the year of 1937. Though, regardless of Zora Neale Huston and her extraordinary talent, she was not globally recognized until 1975, when Alice Walker, an African-American writer devoted a newspaper article to her, entitled In Search of Zora Neal Hurston. The novel shadows the life of Janie Crawford pursuing the steps of becoming the women that her grandmother encouraged her to become. By the means of doing so, she undergoes a journey of discovering her authentic self and real love. Despise the roller-coaster obstacles, Janie Crawford’s strong-will refuses to get comfortable with remorse, hostility, fright, and insanity. Zora Neale Hurston introduces Janie Cr...

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