The Humanization of Achilles

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Homer illustrates that it is a difficult task to travel down the road of compassion and to overcome rage, but in The Iliad, Achilles achieved it. The ?swift runner? expresses his fury throughout the epic poem. The initial insensitivity and stubborn temper of Achilles in the first books lead to the eventual humanization of Achilles.

Achilles was given a gift, the gift of being the best warrior there was, and being the son of a goddess didn?t hurt his confidence either. Achilles had more than confidence he was cocky and thought that the world revolved around him. In his mind nobody, including the Achaean army could survive without him. When an argument occurs between him and Agamemnon, king of Mycenae and leader of the Achaean army, Achilles leaves the army and goes crying to his mother, ...

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