The Grid Computing Concept

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The grid computing concept has been widely used in scientific research, oil and gas fields, banking and education a few years ago. In this work, we adopt the idea of grid computing but bring it to mobile and ubiquitous devices instead of traditional computers. Therefore, we propose a new concept: Mist Computing. Mist computing complements cloud computing where computing is performed far away, in the 'cloud'. Similar research conducted by Chu [5] extends an implementation of grid computing to mobile and ubiquitous devices and addresses some limitation problems mobile and ubiquitous devices introduce, such as limited resource and limited battery life. In our definition, mist means that the emphasis of computing and interaction takes place at the edges of the cloud, therefore it extends the cloud computing to peer-to-peer direction. In our research, mobile devices such as smart phones are used as the devices for data gathering of real processes as well as processing environments for the augmented processes.

Figure 3. The Data collection for an Augmented Process


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