Technology Makes Teaching Easier

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Technology has enhanced people’s standard of living, a major area where this is most noted is in the educational sector. Technology has made teaching easier in schools and has also enhanced research by providing students and staff needed information right in the comfort zone of their computer systems, the use of projectors for visual aid has most expanded teaching as students are not only able to know and understand but they are able to know how it’s being done. The use of smart boards and projectors have also enhanced the dispersal of knowledge from lecturers to students, also most libraries today are becoming electronic and online libraries are increasing rapidly, all thanks to technology. Another merit of technology in education is distant learning, as stated by Bates, students are now able to study comfortably and at their own choice of time anywhere they prefer, this is made possible thanks to technology. Bates goes on to explain that “the main reason for the growth of third generation distance education is the rapid expansion of the internet and in particular the World Wide Web” (2005, p. 8). The internet is full of all sorts of materials e.g. electronic mails, scholarly research materials and so many others. Regardless of all this good reasons why technology is an important aspect of our lives, a lot of people insist that technology makes students languid and corrupts them as they are no longer serious and competent in school and go on about using school computer laboratories for social uses, they go further to argue that students are very less fortunate to recall anything they have learnt online and that they are only able to recall where they learnt from. This argument however is defected as a research conducted states th... ... middle of paper ... ...t has also made e-shopping and online sales an easy way for people to meet and do business. With e-transact people are now able to transfer money offshore with ease. It is agreed that technology has ruined life by aiding wars with weapons of mass destruction, but, it has to be noted also that technology is the basis on which man’s everyday activity depends on. What technology destroys is what technology builds and re-builds. Through technology, crime fighting agencies like the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other military based sub-divisions have been able to solve crimes that would have been really fatal to mankind, e.g. a terrorist group that almost bombed a fuelling station in Canada were caught thanks to the use of surveillance cameras. From this we can agree that technology is an important aspect of man’s life despite the negativities surrounding it.

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