Techniques of Argumentation in Stuart Greene's Essay, Arguement as Conversation

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The essay by Stuart Greene certainly drives home the quote that “there is nothing new under the sun”. In fact, in trying to discover who to give credit for this particular quote Shakespeare, Bierce, and Ecclesiastes 1:4-11 was cited for saying it. The point here is that research is crucial to writing arguments on any topic. Without research, a person will possibly be reiterating what has already been said, which does not propel an argument forward. Although research is vital to a convincing argument, it is only the beginning. A few more steps for writing an argument are necessary.
Stuart Greene’s essay was very enlightening. When writing an argument, I typically try to consider questions an opposing viewer may have. I never really considered that this internal dialogue was a way for me to “enter a conversation”. It sounds rather conceited; however, I was shocked at the realization that anyone needed to be taught how to do this. Then again, I am an extremely empathetic person and always try to look at things from another person’s point-of-view. Without being in someone el...

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