Team Building in the Health Care Setting

518 Words2 Pages

All successful organizations, corporations, and businesses today have mission and vision statements with a set of goals for their attainment, teams are formed when a group of people in the company shares the same goals (Team Technology, 2006). High quality health care delivery demands that all members of the team perform optimally every minute of the workday, patient’s lives depend on their ability to work closely together to solve to problems in any environment. Team building consists of activities or exercises to improve performance in the work place and strengthen the resolve of the team, critical elements of a health care team. Team Building Activity A successful team building activity that easily applies to health care delivery is Group Connections Activity (Businessballs, 2010). Divide the group into teams of three to six people and tell them they have five minutes to discover an interesting, surprising and/or separate connection you share with each person in your team, yes a different connection with each person. This should be a connection or something in common that su...

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