Benefits Of Word Processing

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Roblyer and Doering (2010) acknowledge that even though “...word processing has become the most commonly used software in education” research on the benefits of its use in the classroom shows controversial findings (p.115). This essay will briefly discuss a few obvious benefits of word processing as well as summarize Bangert-Drowns, 1993; Hawisher, 1989; Snyder, 1993 and Goldberg, Russell, and Cook, 2003 research on how word processing affects student’s writing ability. The essay also includes a personal reflection the how word processing tools benefit students. In the end, however, it is up to the readers to determine if the use of word processing tools in the classroom is a beneficial for student growth in writing. Word processing programs make teachers’ and students’ life much easier. Roblyer and Doering identify these benefits as being able to save time by easily creating and modifying teacher and student materials, improve overall document appearance, use of templates and ease of sharing documents for both grading and collaboration. But these benefits have nothing …show more content…

Word processing has only improved my ability to write, edit and become a better teacher. The ability to easily manipulate and change the words in a live document is the main reason for using word processors to enhance in the writing process. No more actual cutting and pasting and laying strips of paper on the floor. As seen personally and with current students, revisions, edits, feedback are done with ease with word processing programs. Of course, if students are not properly taught good writing skills, word processors are meaningless. Word processer are just another form of technology to make teaching easier, teachers are not teaching the technology, but rather the subject manner (in this case, the writing process). Word processing should just enhance the learning

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