Symbolism in A Worn Path by Eudora Welty

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Using symbolism can take your story to a whole new level by showing us how each character feels in additional it can make a person or even an objects stand out a whole lot more. In Eudora Welty they used symbolism in many different ways that you can even notice them right away.

In Eudora Welty ‘A Worn Path’ is a short story where symbols are found everywhere throughout many places where you read. This short story is about an old woman named Phoenix Jackson whom was a black African American that was compared to a mythical Arabian bird, and actually that bird lived up to five centuries in desserts and after living those five centuries it would burn up; and then from those same ashes it would then be reborn and it would start from the beginning all over again with another cycle. Phoenix was just walking herself through the woods to go get some medicine for her grandson. But the interesting fact about this whole short story is that she got caught up with several things down the road in the woods. She had dreams along the way, one of them was that a little kid was offering her a piece of a marble cake, which this shows us how Phoenix did not have anything against racism. Also along the way she met with this White Hunter who tried playing her by putting a gun on Jackson’s head, but actually Phoenix was a really tough woman that did not fear that or anything that she had to confront. Now Phoenix was demonstrating two things, not to fear and no matter how old you are you can always achieve what you have in mind and you can be a brave., the age never matters. It also tells us how Jackson could not see very well , all she could she were shadows, and in the story it shows us how Phoenix asked a white woman to tie her shoelace before going ...

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...never stop us from doing what we want, it can even be a good cause to walk long worn path for our own health. Phoenix taught a lot on this short story and showed how great of a woman she was.

Works Cited

123helpme Editor. “Symbolize in ‘A Won Path’.” 123helpme.N.p., h.d.web.17 Mar 2014.

Beller, Michele. “A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty:Symbols and Themes.Yahoo! voice.Yahooinc, 29th Nov. 2008. Web. 17 Mar. 2014.

Noelle M. “Symbolism in Eudora Welty’s “S Worn Path.” Studymode N.p., Oct 2012. Web. 17 Mar. 2014.

Roberts, Edgar V. and Henry E. Jacobs, ed. “’A Worn Path’ Analysis” yahoo Contributer Network. Yahoo Inc, 6 Nov2008. Web. 17 Mar2014.

Word Press Editors. “An Analysis of Eudora Welty’s ‘A Worn Path’ word press. N.p. 12 Apr 2013 web. 17 Mar 2014.

Writing Rock, Editor. “’A Worn Path’ Analysis Research Paper.” Writing Rock. N.p., n.d.web. 17 Mar 2014.

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