Switzerland's Economy: The Swiss Phenomenon

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“One of the world’s countries least blessed with physical resources has come to be, arguably, the most successful economy in the world, as well as a nation with pervasive religions and linguistic divisions that enjoys profound social tranquility.” (Fossedal, 2002)

Switzerland, despite being only the size of Vermont and New Hampshire combined, and having a desolate amount of natural resources, is one of the richest countries in the world. Indeed, Switzerland boasts more than army knives and chocolate; it claims a GDP per capita of $42,600, among the highest in the world. (Central Intelligence Agency, 2011) Its market economy boasts low unemployment, a highly skilled labor force, high wages, and an extremely profitable export trade market.

Switzerland’s long history of political stability, neutrality in world affairs, and direct democracy system has created the backbone to what has been called “the Swiss phenomenon” by National Geographic. Switzerland’s economy is built on a highly skilled labor force and a strong service sector. Switzerland’s manufacturing industry specializes in technological innovation and knowledge-related production. Its financial center is an economic marvel of the world and is well-respected for its history of secrecy. Due to its small domestic market, Switzerland depends heavily on exports for the success of its economy and the country is competitive in foreign trade. In 2008, Switzerland experienced an economic crisis, but has recovered and again boasts a strong and stable economy. The Swiss economy has many important features that are important for other countries to note as Switzerland’s economy is climbing the rungs of the economic ladder.

The roots of modern Switzerland began in 1291 with the Swiss ...

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Switzerland Consulting SA. (2008). Frequently Asked Questions -- Swiss Banking. Retrieved 11 12, 2011, from Switzerland Consulting SA: http://www.swconsult.ch

The Federal Authorities of the Swiss Confederation. (2011). Political organisation of Switzerland. Retrieved November 09, 2011, from The Federal Authorities of the Swiss Confederation: http://www.admin.ch

U.S. Department of State. (2011, 07 01). Background Note: Switzerland. Retrieved 11 12, 2011, from U.S. Department of State: http://www.state.gov

World Economic Forum. (2010). Global Competitiveness Report. World Economic Forum.

World Economic Forum. (2011). The Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012 . Retrieved 11 12, 2011, from World Economic Forum: http://www.weforum.org

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