Summarizing an Episode of The Story of American Public Education

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1. Summarize the main point of this episode on The Story of American Public Education
-- Public eduction is one of the most significant and unfinished achievements in American history. The main point of the first video was to show the viewer how far public schools have come and how far they still need to go.
2. What political events took place that impacted public education during this era?
-- Some of the key political events taking place during this era were The Great School Debates, The Philadelphia Bible Riots of 1843 led by John Hughs, 1849 Roberts court case, in 1855 a law was passed abolishing segregations is Massachusetts, and last but not least the 1854 Brown vs. Board of Education.
3. Who were the key historical figures presented in this episode and what were their contributions to public education?
--Noah webster also known as the "School Master of America", published the blue back speller to teach students about the U.S becoming America's textbook. Thomas Jefferson believed the survival of the democracy depended on the education of U.S citizens, no education for slaves, only three years for women, and only focused on finding smart white men. His ideas were considered radical. His bill for the education was defeated every time and he created the University of Virginia. His biggest belief was that public education was essential to a democracy. Horace Mann 1830-1840s, in Massuchusetts state senate, first secretary of education, and visited over 1000 schools reporting on their conditions resulting in him wanting to change public schools. He said governments have to make the changes. Through lectures and conventions he created the common schools which included everyone and was supported through taxes. He standardized al...

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...nge of lessening the amount of testing that goes on in schools. As a future parent I would hate knowing that all my child is getting out of school is a bunch of right answers drilled into their head instead of having the chance to gain useful knowledge and grow. With that being said, knowing how much of a role standardized testing has taken in schools makes teaching a less desirable profession to get into. Being a teacher is all about growing the minds of students and inspiring them to gain the knowledge they need while making learning fun. All of that is impossible with they way things are now. Although schools have made many accomplishments and are far better than when they started out in the 1700s, there is still a good amount of change that still needs to happen. I am interested to see where education will go and where it will be at when I begin to teach myself.

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