The Sucess of a Financial Portal

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The success of a financial portal depends upon two user experiences. The experience for a new user or a site visitor and the experience of those who maintain and manage that particular financial portal. So, it is important to focus our attention on both of these factors. The user experience generally depends upon the following factors:

Usually this factor can be explaining the concept of Speed of the portal. It is very important for any designer to take into consideration the speed of the portal to load and refresh the figures and the information on the portal. A user would prefer a portal which would refresh regularly in a short span of time, to keep any user well aware about the real time status of the stock market and quickly load the data so that the waiting period of the user of the portal is decreased. If the portal takes a lot of time to update, it is quite obvious that the user would get bored and easily lose interest in the portal because any user who would be visiting this site wants a real time data of the market which a slow portal would fail to provide. So, it is essential to keep a check on the speed of the portal. Also, if the portal is accessible in many languages, many users can use it without having any problem due to language.
The usage of any finance portal also depends on the wideness of the targeted segment of clients. A good portal would target a broader segment of the population including teenagers, who lack financial knowledge because they are the tomorrow’s most precious user population. Having customizable widgets, easy navigation system and simple to understand portal will succeed in attracting these clients today or in the near future and will have a sound customer base in de...

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...bout the website and that it is not lost among the huge number of results of the search engine. Promotion will in turn help in generating more revenues from all the sources. Promotion via social media in necessary in the current age of internet. Mobile apps are also a part of promotion scheme, since an interactive app will attract more users towards it.

User interaction involves the feedback procedure of the website. It should be simple for the user to give feedback. The responses to the queries of the individual should be as quick as possible. Also more emphasis must be given on the Augmentation part of the portal like sending daily updates and news to its subscribers and brokers. A good feedback system, coupled with good Customer Resource Management and Augmentation schemes can also be a deciding factor for an user to select a particular portal.

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