Strategies for School Counselors to Use with Academically Struggling Students

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Three studies provide professional school counselors with a wealth of strategies. Rowell and Hong (2013) underscore the academic struggles of students who have poor motivation. Schulz and Rubel (2011) revisit the disparity in male versus female completion of high school. Krell and Perusse (2012) utilized the Delphi method to explore effective college readiness counseling for students with autism spectrum disorders. Rowell and Hong address motivation as a factor that underlies academic success, exploring constructs. Self-efficacy and autonomy are examples of individual beliefs that relate to a person’s sense of their ability to succeed and degree of control over their learning. Studies cited suggest that these factors can be influenced through counseling interventions including classroom guidance. Schulz and Rubel’s phenomenological study focuses on the perspectives of five males who describe themselves as becoming alienated from school. Analysis of substructures such as instability at home provide a glimpse into multiple challenges and reasons for non-completion. Within both studies, good communication with parents and teachers and use of strategies that promote student competence are viewed as integral to reversing negative pressures that impact students. Krell and Perusse provide evidence that students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be better supported in postsecondary transition and college readiness. Given the unique challenges students with ASD have, through consultation and collaboration, counselors can help bridge the gap to college and the workforce. Valuable skills that can be promoted through direct counseling and working with special education recommendations and referrals include self-advocacy and time ma... ... middle of paper ... ...ience with these groups can profit from being aware of and knowledgeable about the law and their obligations to students with disabilities. School counselors must be better prepared through advanced training and be able to expand their partnerships. Krell and Perusse promote the idea that counselors are change agents for unique students. References Krell, M., & Perusse, R. (2012), Providing college readiness counseling for students with autism spectrum disorders: A Delphi study to guide school counselors. Professional School Counseling, 16, 29-39. Rowell, L., & Hong, E. (2013), Academic motivation: Concepts, strategies, and counseling approaches. Professional School Counseling, 16 , 158-171. Schulz, L. L., & Rubel, D. J. (2011), A phenomenology of alienation in high school: The experiences of five male non-completers. Professional School Counseling, 14, 286-298.

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