"The Story of the Hour"

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Kate Chopin is known as a major feminist writer of the 19th century. She uses irony and symbolism to give insight to women’s roles in marriage and feminine identity. In “the story of an hour”, Chopin emphasizes the gloomy and almost slave-like status that women had in society in the late 1800’s. Chopin’s main character in this story, Mrs. Mallard, symbolizes all women of that time and the choices and treatment they had to endure.

A major indication of the suppression our protagonist endures can be seen when considering Mrs. Mallard’s identity. Chopin emphasizes the Male-dominate society in this time early in the story by simply only giving her the name “Mrs. Mallard”. Her husband is given a first name right from the start of the work, but Chopin does not let the reader know that the protagonist’s name is Louise until much later in the story. Chopin does this to show that women lacked individuality and their own unique identity. Mrs. Mallard is merely Brently Mallard’s wife; this alone shows that in 1894 women were treated as their husband’s property.

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