The Story of Artemis

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Artemis: Goddess of Light and Protector of the Vulnerable
Artemis is the Greek Goddess of the hunt, wild animals, the wilderness, female fertility, and the moon. Out of all the Olympian goddesses Artemis is the only one to actually have a real mother. She is the daughter of Zeus, the ruler of all the Greek Gods, and Leto a Titaness. Zeus was involved in an affair with Leto and secretly impregnated her. Leto was forced to give birth to the babies while being chased around by a python sent by Zeus’ wife Hera. Fortunately for Leto her first child Artemis was born without any pain but unfortunately for her she had twins so her labor continued. As weak as baby Artemis was she quickly took over the role as midwife and assisted her mother in the birth of her brother Apollo. (The God and Goddess | The Story of Artemis.)
Artemis was sometimes a friendly goddess but she could also be cold if you offended her in any way. “She considered men as less than animals.” Ironically Artemis was born a huntress but she was also very in touch with nature. She was the protector of the forests and the animals. As friendly as she was, if anyone was to hunt or try to show her up in her territory she would definitely punish them in some way. She would paralyze them, or change them into some odd animal. “Artemis once sent a boar after a man who said that he was a better hunter than her. He never said anything like that again.” ("What is the personality of the Greek goddess Artemis?")
For Artemis’s third birthday, she had asked her father Zeus for six wishes. Her wishes were; to be able to live her life forever as a virgin, To never have to marry, for a bow and arrow just like her brother Apollo’s, Hunting dogs to assist her in hunting, all the mountains ...

... middle of paper ... lift. Artemis had the ability to shoot her bow and arrow with precise and perfect aim. She was very clever. She had the ability to turn people into any animal she wanted. She could also kill mortals instantly. She could protect any women during childbirth by just looking at them. Artemis could make herself look any age she wanted to which was often used as a disguise and helped her hear if anybody was saying things they might regret. Just like her twin brother Apollo she had the ability heal the injuries of any living person, but because she hated all men except for Apollo this power didn’t get used that often. She also had the power to cast spells and bring plagues whenever she wanted. Some gods and goddesses are not allowed to cross the dimensions and enter Mount Olympus but Artemis is one of the ones that is allowed. ("Artemis (Olympian goddess)"

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