Robust, Scalable and Secure Network Storage (RSSNS)

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Security is a top most issue in cloud computing busi-ness model followed by privacy, availability and compli-ance. Data security is the main concern among organiza-tions, especially in shared, multi-tenant environment. In a shared environment, technologies are needed to effi-ciently isolate data and workload. We present different security issues in table no 1.

Description Issues No

Use elastic to prevent DDos attacks Availability of service 1

Protect data by encryption Data confi-dentiality 2

Improve virtual machine supports, flash disk and virtual unit scheduling support HPC application Performance 3

Data backup/achieve, rapid hard disk, higher bandwidth LAN switch, Data transfer bottlenecks 4

Research and develop scalable stor-age system Scalability storage 5

Provide reputation protected service like Email Reputation fate sharing 6

Use paid patterns license Software licensing 7

Table 1. Problems in Cloud computing

2.1 Data Security:

The top most concern of security in the cloud is data security. The customer does not have any idea about how service provider process, store customer data. In public cloud environment, responsibility of service provider how he implements efficient security controls and safeguards the critical assets. Cloud computing has three different definitions such as Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Platform as a service (PaaS) and Software as a service(SaaS).All three definitions have different security issues. Network storage, virtualization and fundamental processing resources are provided by the service provider to customers in IaaS model where the customer deploy and run the software. With IaaS, cloud users have better control over the security com-pared to the other models as long there is no security hole in the virtual machine monitor [4].With PaaS, customers can deploy their application onto the cloud infrastructure without installation any tools. PaaS service provider needs to secure software platform stack. With SaaS, customer may use service provider software through a web browser. In SaaS model, overall security burden lies with cloud provider and data security is a major challenge when a customer uses SaaS model. Cloud computing is distributed system having multiple interconnected computers in virtualized form. Data centers supply computational power of cloud computing, which consist of thousands of servers. Customer data is stored on these servers and of security of these data is a serious issue. Figure 1 shows layered architecture of data centers.


Cloud Applications

Virtual Machines

Application Server

Storage Server

Table 2. Layered architecture of data centers

In layered architecture of data centers, lowest layer rep-resents a massive physical resource, for example servers and application servers and these servers is maintained a virtualization layer. Cloud application, for example busi-ness application, gaming, social networking, and scien-tific work operate at higher layer architecture.

In a cloud environment, customer data are processed and store in plain text form and data backup is also critical concern.

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