The World of Sports and Steroids

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The World of Sports and Steroids

In the world of sports it's not rare to see athletes give their all for the love of the game. From sunrise to sundown they practice everyday to perfect their game. Then there are those who take an alternative route, call it cheating. These athletes are taking performance enhancers such as creatine, androstenedione and worst of all, anabolic steroids.

Anabolic steroids are chemicals that act like hormones (substances in your body that regulate bodily functions). Anabolic steroids are the ones that are abused to build muscle mass or to make your workout longer, or make incredible strength gains. They are chemicals of artificial testosterone and ones that create testosterone, which is a male hormone for responsible for gains in performance. With higher testosterone from Anabolic steroids you can have a more better looking physique, increase in strength and longer endurance in sports, but with that comes risks that can be irreversible and regrettable.

Why take steroids if you already know that it is not good for you? Most of the steroid users...

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