Steps To The Revolution Starting At 1763 -1775

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Steps To The Revolution Starting At 1763 -1775

One of the most significant events in American History was the Revolution. Prior to 1763, which was the beginning to the road to the Revolution, America and Britain were on good terms. The British helped America to try and defeat the Indians for the Ohio Valley. One year after the British's "efforts" to help America get the Ohio Valley, something happens...

The Prime Minister George Grenville, creates the Sugar Act of 1764. This act, in short, taxed sugar. American colonists still had power because of the royal veto. The colonists were outraged, Grenville was taxing the prime ingredient in bread and alcohol, two of America's favorites. Also the colonists may have seen that this tax was paying for the British's problems.

The protests from the colonists worked somewhat, however the Quartering Act of 1765 required certain colonies to provide food and living quarters for British troops. The same year, 1765, George Grenville crosses the line again but this time even further, he creates a Stamp Act. This was also to have American colonists "support" the British military force. This Act was horrible, a stamp had to be placed on nearly fifty different items, from playing cards to one's own marriage certificate, as proof to certify the payment of tax. George Grenville's defense was that the colonies are only paying this for their defense, and that Britain has endured this same tax style far longer and more heavier. Grenville was definitely the man who sparked fire in American's eyes brought on the road to the Revolution. The angry American colonists wanted to stop the Stamp Act, and so they came up with "No taxation without representation." The Americans stated that no Americans were seated in the Parliament, so no taxes should be imposed upon Americans. Only colonial legislatures could legally tax the Americans was another point in the argument Grenville saw this and stated that Americans were represented in the Parliament, his rebuttal was "virtual representation" even if America never voted for a member of Parliament, all had to represent the British soldiers. This fighting continued and America was told to think about getting their own political independence, this eventually led to revolutionary consequences. The hated Stamp Act led to the Stamp Act Congress of 1765, which brought twenty-seven distinguished delegates from nine colonies to New York City.

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