Standardized Testing: Does It Really Tell Academic Performance?

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Standardized testing is any test that remains the same and is given in the same manner to all test takers. Standardized testing began in China as a part of job applications. They became more frequently used in the early 1900’s to determine an individual’s intelligence. The army used these tests to determine if soldiers were officer material. In 2000, Finland had the highest PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) scores in the world. Finland uses very little standardized testing compared to other countries. It has been proved that high performing countries (Finland, Japan China) do not use standardized testing. The controversy about if standardized testing was truly helpful and if it showed a true reflection of a student’s abilities, was more well-known after the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001. Nowadays, standardized testing is used throughout the world. Schools use standardized testing to measure a student’s academic performance. These tests are varied throughout different states and grades. Some school districts are beginning to believe these tests are not beneficial to their education, while other districts believe the tests are useful to their learning.
One pro of standardized testing is that it does not narrow down curriculum, but instead focuses on basic skills for students to master. Based on an article written by Education Policy Analysis Archives in 2005, sixty-one teachers in four Minnesota school districts believe that standardized testing is emphasizing critical thinking and removes the pressure on students to memorize everything. Standardized testing can still be helpful for students and parents. It gives students, parents, and administrators information on where improvement is needed in classes. Sinc...

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