Sports Nutritional Market Executive Summary

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Sports Nutritional Category – Executive Summary

Over the past 5 years the market has seen an enormous increase in the sports nutritional product category. These products range from energy drinks and nutritional bars to diet products and nutritional supplements, and each day new products are being introduced into the market. With nutrition and taste being two of the most important aspects of the product, creating and maintaining products in this category is simplified. This has become one of the most exciting new markets not only because it is the beginning of a new wave of a product category but because the market and consumer base is large and ready to be tapped into. The market is increasingly becoming more and more energetic, not because of the energy drinks, but because it is expanding into a new realm in the consumer's life. This is a multibillion-dollar a year industry that at the present time has relatively few competitors, leaving opportunity for new products and brands to enter the market. By assessing how the market looks today, the potential to enter the market, and the outlook of the market in the near future this summary intends to relay appropriate information about this category that may help in product planning.

To begin, only recently has the sports nutritional category become such a strong player in the market. Probably the most recognizable and longest standing product in this category is Gatorade. The nutritional drink has come to be the staple sports nutritional drink on the market. However, within the past five years or so, Gatorade's position as the number one sports nutritional drink has been threatened. Today there are a multitude of companies producing the products in this category. This category of products has become a huge market. As of 2003, the sports nutritional product category topped over $3.1 billion dollars. That is an 11% increase from the $2.9 billion dollars in 2002. Even more exciting is the five-year overall category growth rate. Between the years 1999 and 2003 the market for sports nutritional products has annually grown at a rate of 19% which is very optimistic of the category.

Even more enticing then the annual figures are the percentages of consumers that use sports nutritional products on a regular basis. According to the fall 2003 Simmons Market Research Bureau Data 36.

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