Solutions to the Global Climate Change

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Global warming has become a world wide issue and an issue that is causing great controversy. It is an increase in the earth's atmospheric and oceanic temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially from pollution (Dictionary). Global warming is a natural process, but because of increase in certain activities this process is taking a faster and more dangerous route creating global problems. Global warming was first theorized in 1894 by Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier a French mathematician, who noticed the earth was gradually increasing in temperature. He came to the conclusion that the earth’s atmosphere was trapping solar radiation caused by the sun and reflecting this radiation back to earth (History of Global Warming). This theory by Fourier became known as the “greenhouse effect”. In simpler terms the greenhouse effect is where the temperature rises because the sun’s heat and light is trapped in the earth’s atmosphere. In the past one hundred fifty years the average global temperatures have taken a sharp turn upward. The 20th century’s ten warmest years all occurred in the last fifteen years. Also the 20th century was the warmest globally in the last 600 years (Global Warming and Carbon Dioxide, 3). Effects of this increase are the melting of glaciers, rising sea levels, more frequent heat waves and droughts, and heavy rainfall. The burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil are a main source to why the greenhouse effect is being enhanced and likely contributing to global warming (Global Warming and Carbon Dioxide, 4). To hinder this increase in the global warming process we must reduce CO2 emission, we have to use different sources of energy, and we must recycle.

The ...

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...ways to making recyclable products could help the global warming cause.

The solution that could improve the global climate is by reducing CO2 emission, using different sources of energy and by recycling. A reduce in CO2 emission can occur by using more energy efficient products, using different types of light bulbs and not burning as much fossil fuel. Using different sources of energy can help stop global warming because the idea of hybrid cars are much more fuel efficient and less harmful, using solar power is renewable and it doesn’t pollute while burning of fossil fuel does. Using wind power is also an excellent alternative because it doesn’t pollute and it is renewable. Lastly by recycling we will be able to restore carbon dioxide sinks that help control global warming. Also we will be able to help the environment return to being green and normal by recycling.

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