Smoking Facts

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Smoking in today’s world is much different then what it used to be. The thoughts of smoking have changed from good to bad. Many people believe that smoking is beneficial for their everyday lives while others want nothing to do with it. In this paper I will be discussing the: the history of smoking, the advantages/benefits of smoking, the disadvantages/risks of smoking, the components of cigarettes, and the regulations regarding the production and sale of cigarettes.

Tobacco is a plant that grows natively in North and South America. It is in the same family as the potato, pepper and the poisonous nightshade, a very deadly plant” (Randall, 1999, p. 1). American Indians used tobacco in many different ways, mainly for religious purposes and medical practices. The Indians used tobacco for medical practices because they believed it was a cure-all kind of medication; it was also used to dress wounds, and also used as a pain killer. When Christopher Columbus came to America in 1492 he was offered tobacco leaves as a gift from the American Indians. Once brought back to Europe tobacco was grown all over. The main reason why it became so popular is because of the supposed healing properties in it. It was believed that tobacco could cure anything from bad breath to cancer. In 1571 Nicolas Monardes, a Spanish doctor, claimed that tobacco could cure thirty-six health problems, he named all of them in his book about the history of medical plants of the new word. During the 1600s tobacco was so popular and used by many that it was frequently used as money. Also during this time frame Sir Francis Bacon started noticing the dangerous effects of smoking, he noted that trying to quit this habit was really hard. During the 1700s the tobacco indus...

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...otect Children and Adolescents. Tobacco Products. Retrieved on 31 March 2012 from,

Henningfield, J (2008). Tobacco: Through the Smoke Screen. Broomall, PA: Mason Creek Publishers

Phillip Morris USA (2012). Marlboro Menthol Box. Ingredients. Retrieved on 31 March 2012 from,

Randall, V (1999). History of Tobacco. Boston University MedicalCenter. Retrieved on 31 March 2012


Russo, J (2011). Health Benefits of Smoking Tobacco. Health and Wellness. Retrieved on 31 March 2012


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