Slavery & Immigration Today

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It’s Happening Today: Slavery & Immigration

There is an immense amount of things that go on in the world; most people don’t have a clue about them. Slavery is one of the things that people don’t know much about. When people think of slavery, they think about how it was in the old days. Immigration is the other thing that people have no comprehension about; they don’t understand the hardships of immigration. Immigration is hard to do; many immigrants die just trying to make it to the United States. There is evidence out there about how slavery still goes on today and what people eat everyday may come from a slave; there is also evidence that immigration is a very difficult and dangerous passion to face.

Many people in the United States eat chocolate; numerous amounts of people are unaware of who makes the chocolate or where it comes from. There are claims that almost 90% of cocoa plantations are forced labor. An estimate of the number of children forced to work as slaves on cocoa plantation farms is as high as fifteen thousand. Young boys are targeted for cocoa farms where they are ...

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