Inside the world of size 0 models and should they be banned?

533 Words2 Pages

Everybody knows that models are not perfect even if they look perfect. You assume, oh she's perfect because she's a model, and she's walking down the catwalk while I'm here sitting down, watching her, eating potato chips, and drinking a coke. People need to learn to face reality nobody is perfect, not even models. Did you know that most of the models they use in catwalks are normally size 0 models because some fashion industry's think that size 0 models are a better size to use to design then an avegage sized person. Size 0 models should be banned because they are a bad influence for teenagers,most models are suffering from anorexia,and models get pressured by their mentors to be skinnier and when that doesn't work they turn to surgery.
Size 0 models should they or should they not be banned,how many people want size zero models banned,and do they cause an impact on teenage girls. Personally size 0 models should be banned from the catwalks and runways because they are way to thin and it's like so disturbing seeing someone that thin I mean just imagine your in London and you want to g...

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