Weight Lifting Myths

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Women should not lift heavy things or else they will get bulky. At least that is what one of the biggest myths of female fitness will tell you. Just 17. 5 percent of American women, and only 20 percent of college-age American women, meet the aerobic and strength training recommendations of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2012). Women who incorporate weight lifting into their workout routine are significantly decreasing their likelihood of living with gender common diseases. The myths surrounding women and weight lifting by far exceed the truth and realistic benefits. The stereotypes that have formed from extreme bodybuilding and body sculpting figures are far from the physiques of the average women. Hiding behind strength …show more content…

Very few women share in a passion for squats, presses, and curls, in part, because they fear bulking up into a she-Schwarzenegger. This widespread myth is very far from the truth. In fact, an ESPN profile of Olympic lifter Holley Mangold (a contestant on last seasons The Biggest Loser) notes that the typical woman is physically incapable of developing into the Incredible Hulk because of insufficient levels of testosterone (2012). Mangold, at 5 foot 8 inches and 330 pounds, told the reporter she was comfortable with her own physique and lamented that she would have more lifting peers “if women just realized that they’re not going to get as huge as I am.” Her statement is backed by several scientific studies on women and weight lifting. The truth is if you are lifting and still taking in a calorie deficit, you are not going to bulk up. The masculine female bodybuilders you see pictures of online are most likely taking steroids, supplements, and taking in large amounts of food in order to shape their body to compete. Not to mention, it takes upwards of 3-5 years to get anywhere near the physique they have. The second biggest myth in women’s fitness is that you are able to spot reduce fat. Doing side bends and sit-ups so that you can keep your booty and produce a trim and toned set of abs like Sir Mix-A-Lot suggests is complete bologna. You may notice that you sometimes lose fat in some areas more quickly than in others; this is simply due to a genetic selective pattern rather than a particular type of exercise (Carera/Vani, 2014). Exercise is not the lone piece of the puzzle in the goal of achieving optimal health. In order to reduce fat, and bring out those abs you have built with strength training, you also need a healthy diet, and cardiovascular exercise. What you eat and whether or not you choose to exercise are two of the biggest influences on your

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