The Setting in the Scarlet Letter

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The Setting in the Scarlet Letter

In Boston, Massachusetts during the late 1600s, the Calvinism is one of the most important parts of the assumptions and values of society. As Calvinists, the Puritans in The Scarlet Letter base their political system largely on religion, creating a theocracy which influences the standard equality between crime and sin. There is no separation between church and state, thus the two are blurred into one, affecting the thoughts and expectations of the society in the novel.

The most important reason for the setting to be what it is, is because The Scarlet Letter revolves around adultery. Today, most people consider adultery a sin, but not something one would get the death penalty for. However, at the beginning of the novel, one gossiping Puritan woman who is viewing Hester’s punishment says, “It would be greatly for the public behoof if we women, being of mature age and church-members in good repute, should have the handling of such malefactresses as this Hester Prynne,” which suggests that ...

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