What Is Selfies And The Value Of Self-Expression?

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Selfies and the value of self expression: instead of copycats and adhering to society
The simple mantra that everyone goes through often starts off like this. Take out the camera and hold it at an arm’s length, angling the phone to get the best shot. Position your face, experiment with different poses and hand signs, then snap away! There you have the humble selfie. But from that point, the mantra becomes a little more complex. Of the 50 shots taken, you delete 49, which appears amazing at first, but upon further examination, you spot tiny flaws like creases. Or the unflattering background. You switch locations, dab on a little makeup and repeat the whole process. But it doesn’t stop there. You want your selfie to stand out on a feed or timeline full of such photos. One that would make people scroll back and take a second look. So, you start testing out different …show more content…

They spends hours poring over makeup tutorials online or training their body to hide flab. All to ensure that they paint an attractive online self-portrait of themselves, a false image.
Kim Kardashian, known far and wide as the Queen of Selfies, gave casual tips during talk shows about taking selfies, tips taken seriously by her army of ardent fans. Fans of celebrities often emulate and copy selfies of stupid things done by their idols out of blind idolism. For example, Kylie Jenner posted a selfie of her lips in a shots glass, claiming it to be the beauty secret to her full, pouty lips. Blindly following her without thinking clearly, some of the shot glasses exploded on their mouths, making them far worse than originally.
Value of self-expression is steadily declining in union with declining self-esteem, shown by models’ pictureseq photos, causing the average ordinary teenager to feel unspecial and unworthy of attention

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