Preservation Essays

  • Farmland Preservation

    2114 Words  | 5 Pages

    Farmland Preservation Farmland Preservation is something that every person in New Jersey should be aware of. Our Garden State is quickly becoming too populated to hold such a title anymore. As more and more farms disappear, we are losing the precious land and culture, which initially made so many people decide to make New Jersey home. Everyone seems to want to move to the country and away from the city, but soon New Jersey may no longer have the attractive countryside landscape it was once

  • iceman - preservation

    2844 Words  | 6 Pages

    1. Explain why the iceman was so well preserved? ( source one) It is said that a frozen body will stay preserved over hundreds, even thousand of years. During the first stage of investigations Austrian archaeologist Konrad Spindler researched the layout which had proved that the iceman’s body position and placement of weapons were preserved in the same position from when the Iceman had died, it had also been proved that the body was initially covered in a thin layer of snow which had helped complete

  • Expansion vs. Preservation

    715 Words  | 2 Pages

    Expansion vs. Preservation William Sonntag was acclaimed in the 1850s as a painter of the dramatic landscape. In his painting “Garden of the Gods,” Sonntag portrays a family in the time of the westward expansion. The very subtle painting, expressed by its loose brushwork, captures the shifting atmospheric contrasts of light and dark. Apparent in the painting is a family struggling to survive in nature. In the bottom left corner of the painting is a weather beaten shack, the home of the struggling

  • Preservation Of Digital Information

    1307 Words  | 3 Pages

    device such as computer for access and process it (Liu, 2013). According to Voutssas (2012), digital preservation is the process of maintaining digital information using technology according to established policies and procedures as told by InterPARES (2006). National Archive of China and Latin America faced several problems in order to establish long-term preservation of digital information. Preservation of digital information is one of the activities that face with many problems than to print or other

  • Conservation and Preservation at the Turn of the 19th Century

    1891 Words  | 4 Pages

    Conservation and Preservation at the Turn of the 19th Century Missing Works Cited The environmentalist movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries presents a picture of America at the time: torn between the desires to expand while seeking to protect nature. Although all members of the movement sought to protect nature, there were two predominant schools as to how to go about this. In their two philosophies, they created two methods for human interaction with the wilderness. The conservationist

  • The Preservation of Laguna San Ignacio

    1230 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Preservation of Laguna San Ignacio In the 19th century the Pacific Gray Whale was nearly hunted to extinction when their products were in high demand. At the turn of the century, there existed only a few thousand of these precious whales. Soon after, the whales were placed onto the endangered species list where they were under the heavy protection of numerous national laws and international treaties. In 1993 the number of Gray Whales climbed to a miraculous 21,000 and by the end of 1994 the

  • Authencity/Preservation Of The Holy Qura'An

    1033 Words  | 3 Pages

    One of the most common myths about the Qur'an, is that Usman (r.a.), the third Caliph of Islam authenticated and compiled one Qur'an, from a large set of mutually contradicting copies. The Qur'an, revered as the Word of Allah (swt) by Muslims the world over, is the same Qur'an as the one revealed to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). It was authenticated and written under his personal supervision. We will examine the roots of the myth which says that Usman (r.a.) had the Qur'an authenticated. 1. Prophet

  • Historic Preservation: Gentrification or Economic Development

    4632 Words  | 10 Pages

    Historic Preservation: Gentrification or Economic Development Historic preservation has traditionally been simply restoring historically significant architectural or geographical sites for aesthetic value or for the benefit of future generations to better understand the ways and styles of the past. As the National Trust for Historic Preservation explains, “when historic buildings and neighborhoods are torn down or allowed to deteriorate, a part of our past disappears forever. When that happens

  • Preservation of Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Habitat

    1722 Words  | 4 Pages

    Preservation of Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Habitat Ever since 1973, when the Endangered Species Act came into being, conservationists and private landowners have been debating over whether to preserve the habitats of many endangered species found in unprotected areas (Ligon et al, 1986). Increasing levels of human development has led to the cutting of old-growth forests and construction of roads and other physical barriers to wildlife. These activities have greatly contributed to the fragmentation

  • Self-discovery, Destruction, and Preservation in Frankenstein

    1647 Words  | 4 Pages

    Self-discovery, Destruction, and Preservation in Frankenstein Mary Shelley's Frankenstein explores the downfall of certain human characteristics, set to the backdrop of creation, destruction, and preservation. The subtitle denoted by Shelly herself supports this idea, by relating the fact that the title can be viewed as either Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus. One scholar, Marilyn Butler, also maintains this by noting, "It can be a late version of the Faust Myth"(302). Shelly uses

  • The Gaelic League: Preservation American Culture

    1724 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Preservation of a Culture: The Gaelic League Imagine what if much of today’s freedoms that we take for granted were never even there to begin with? In Ireland this is what most of the people were realizing when the Government was starting to take control. The Government was getting irritated and wanted to get rid of all Ireland’s language and culture. During the 1800’s Ireland was a thriving culture with much going on. Ireland had many things coming to an end and also starting

  • Retention and Preservation of African Roots in Jamaican Folk Music

    4205 Words  | 9 Pages

    Retention and Preservation of African Roots in Jamaican Folk Music Preface Amid tens of thousands of volumes in this library collection at UVM, the "silence" is in fact a low hum issuing from the vents. I read essay upon essay, ideas and histories of ideas, until I pause in a pensive moment. A thick green binding breaks my meditation. A title, The Power of Sound, fills my mind with music. I consider the power of words. The music issuing from the Caribbean island of Jamaica has for decades

  • Importance Of Food Preservation

    707 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction: The topic of choice is The preservation of foods and the different methods in which to do so. In this assignment I will be discussing and describing the topic of the process of preserving food products for which there are various methods for i.e curing, smoking, etc. Apart from this introduction I will be braking this project down into a number of different sections. These will go through and explain the aims and objectives of this project and the reason behind preserving meats, my

  • Importance Of Sugar Preservation

    1321 Words  | 3 Pages

    Sugar Preservation During the ancient times, people used various methods to prolong the shelf life of their gathered food items. Salting, drying, and smoking are the oldest methods used to preserve food. However, the development of food preservation arises along with the science and technology for improvement of flavor and safety consumption. Other food preservation methods include the freezing, pickling, canning, and using food concentrates. According to Nath (1960), food concentrates specifically

  • The Importance Of Food Preservation

    1016 Words  | 3 Pages

    Food preservation is the process of treating and handling the food that will keep the food in a good conditions for a long period of time or for future use. Usually food preservation involve the inhibition of bacterial growth, fungi or other microorganisms in the food. Food preservation will inhibit or slow down the food spoilage, loss of the food quality, edibility or nutritional value. Unprotected foodstuffs will cause the bacteria and fungi colonize in the food rapidly which increase the bacteria

  • Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms - Apathy or Self Preservation?

    1046 Words  | 3 Pages

    A Farewell to Arms: Apathy or Self Preservation? Lieutenent Frederic Henry goes through hell in Hemingway's celebrated pacifist novel, A Farewell to Arms, yet as each crisis sweeps him along, it doesn't seem to quite register. He tells the story a decade later which could partly explain the baldness of statements like this one: "But [the cholera] was checked and in the end only seven thousand died of it in the army" (4). He describes the horrors of war in bare and matter-of-fact tones while

  • Lake Tahoe and The Growing Importance for Environmental Preservation

    2263 Words  | 5 Pages

    Lake Tahoe, an enormous expanse of clear, blue, fresh water surrounded by meadows and dense forests and rimmed by snow-capped peaks, is one of the world's great scenic and ecological wonders. Tahoe's water is world famous for its amazing clarity. Even today, one can see objects 70 feet below the surface, a clarity matched almost nowhere in the world. The Tahoe Basin had a slowly evolving and essentially balanced environment for thousands of years, with surrounding forests, meadows and marshlands

  • Hurdle Technology A marriage of preservation technology

    1127 Words  | 3 Pages

    1. Introduction Food processing and preservation methods such as heating, drying, salting, freezing, chilling, curing, sugar addition, and acidification have been applied against spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms in foods (Leistner, 2000b). On the other hand, these classical technologies have negative impacts to nutritional value (e.g. loss of vitamins and essential nutrients during heat treatments) (Lado and Yousef, 2002)and changes in sensory attributes in the food products (Raso and Barbosa-Canovas

  • The Coyotes Weren’t Kosher: Women’s Role in Preservation of Dietary Tradition in Pioneering Southwest

    2232 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Coyotes Weren’t Kosher: Women’s Role in Preservation of Dietary Tradition in Pioneering Southwest Women have always played a major role in the practice of Judaism. They have many responsibilities and obligations to fulfill due to of their faith. Yet, they also must raise their families and often work to provide for their family. Overtime, Jewish women have become an example of women’s ability to live very demanding lives and still sustain her religious devotion. Jewish women have had to overcome

  • Importance Of Preservation And Preservation

    1279 Words  | 3 Pages

    According to IRMT, preservation is a term referring to the passive protection of archival material in which no physical or chemical treatment to the item occurs and the other meaning of preservation is all actions taken to maintain an object in its existing condition, minimise the rate of change, and prevent damage are part of preservation. Preserving archives is part of the series, principles and practice in records management and archives (Yeo, 2007) Preservation and conservation are different