Old Days Essays

  • Spanking is NOT Child Abuse

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    temper tantrum demanding a toy. His mother, exasperated threatens him with time-outs and other deprived privileges, but the stubborn child continues to kick and scream. In the "old days," a mother wouldn't think twice about marching the defiant child to the bathroom and giving him a good spanking to straighten him out, but these days, parents have to worry about someone screaming child abuse. Whether or not to spank a child has become a heated issue in today's society. Many authorities and psychologists

  • Primal Scenes in Americana and White Noise

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    Letricchia interprets as meaning not television itself came over, but the desire for a "universal third-person" (Osteen 414). Letricchia argues that television offers to modern Americans today what the Pilgrims' ships offered to immigrants on the old days: something to dream about (Osteen 414). Even DeLillo writes that "To consume in America is not to buy; it is to dream," which, according to Letricchia is to say "that it is not the consummation of desire but the foreplay of desire that is TV advertising's

  • The Pastoral Setting of Shakespeare's As You Like It

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    own desires. There is plenty of food to eat, so the communal hunt takes care of their physical needs. That and the absence of a complex political hierarchy creates a much stronger sense of communal equality hearkening back the the mythical good old days. The exiled Duke himself attests to the advantages of living far from the court, free of the deceits of flattery and double dealing and welcomes Orlando to the feast without suspicion. And, most important here, especially in comparison with

  • A Hero Ain’t Nothin’ But a Sandwich

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    Webster has defined nostalgia as a “wistful or excessively sentimental, sometimes abnormal yearning for a return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition.”  Nostalgia is a psychological time machine that transplants adults to the good old days of another era. Once there, they will find that it is a state of mind, oblivious to actual or imagined barriers. For some it is a pleasant stroll through yesterday, a simple, less turbulent past. Benjie Johnson is thirteen, Black, and well on

  • To Make a Difference in the World

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    past and present injustices. On my third day in South Africa, while walking down the street with my black female friend, several workers interrupted our conversation by calling out, "Hey, you're white and she's colored." In the United States, while walking down the street with white friends, I've had people stick their heads out of car windows to yell, "Stick with your own race." In South Africa, I spoke to white people who longed for the old days of apartheid when, for them, things were not

  • An Analysis of The End of Something

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    An Analysis of The End of Something One area of literature emphasized during the Modernist era was the inner struggle of every man. Novels written before the 20th century, such as Moll Flanders and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, dealt with external conflict, a conflict the reader could visualize in an action. Along with other writers of Bohemian Paris, Ernest Hemingway moved away from this process and began using outward actions as symbols for the inner conflict dwelling inside the protagonist

  • Professional Sports - Free Agency is Causing the Slow Death of Baseball

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    Free Agency is Causing the Slow Death of Baseball What ever happened to the old days? This is a comment that my Dad and Grandpa are always saying when it comes to major league baseball in this era. Like clockwork, at the beginning of every baseball season my Dad says, "Every year my team has all new faces. How am I supposed to root for this team if I don't even know who is playing for them." Now, more than ever, this comment is true. It is true because of free agency in baseball. Free agency

  • Imagery in Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms

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    mountains,' I said" (54). This gives a feeling of more safety, because the larger guns are harder to transport in the mountains. Fighting is also less successful in the mountains. Tactically speaking, "a mountain is not very mobile," (183) so "in the old days the Austrians were always whipped in the quadrilateral around Verona. They let them come down onto the plain and whipped them there" (183). The mountains do not just provide safety in the war; they also help as Fredric and Catherine escap... .

  • The Good Old Days are Blurred

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    come before us such as our moms, dads, and grandparents will reminisce on the good old days. A time when there was no Internet so one had to read the newspaper for updates, write rather than type during class, go to the library for research, knock for a friend, use snail mail, etc. For me such thoughts have made the understanding of the phrase, “the good old days” quite blurred. The fact is the so-called “good old days” was a time that seems astronomically different, slow paced, and quite frankly dull

  • Modern Day Old Creative Writing

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    my life was flipped upside down. And when the truth was revealed to me, I found myself in a world I could never have imagined existed. But... it was there where I finally found a purpose, perhaps even my purpose.” -Calin Prologue: Memories of Old There, in front of me, was a landscape unlike any I had ever seen before. Enormous mountains laid resting on the horizon, the height of which boggled my mind. Black boulders littered the flat plains that sat in the long shadows of those towering peaks

  • Overview of Celestine Eustis's Creole in Old Cooking Days

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    wrote Creole in Old Cooking Days (On History and Food). Cooking in Old Creole Days shows the diversity of Creole culture with its variety of recipes and songs as well as other things that are included in this guide to Creole cooking even more so in the author’s introduction, as she utilizes some unconventional methods. This cookbook highlights the diversity and vibrancy of the Creole culture and how it played an important role in the exotic regional culture of Louisiana and in the old south. It served

  • Clinging to the Past in Faulkner's A Rose for Emily

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    also signified the end of the Old South's era of greatness. The south is depicted in many stories of Faulkner as a region where "the reality and myth are difficult to separate"(Unger 54). Many southern people refused to accept that their conditions had changed, even though they had bitterly realized that the old days were gone. They kept and cherished the precious memories, and in a fatal and pathetic attempt to maintain the glory of the South people tend to cling to old values, customs, and the faded

  • The Eye and Poem to my Husband from my Father's Daughter

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    French 1 In this paper I will discuss two poems by Sharon Olds. They are both taken from her collection “The Dead and the Living” and are entitled “The Eye” and “Poem to My Husband from my Fathers Daughter.” Olds is a contemporary writer who expertly maneuvers her work through modern life. In this particular collection, written in 1983, she takes us on an explorative journey through both the past and present of family life. I will explore the role of the family in both these poems and how, through

  • Creative Writing: Bev's Home Day

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    INT. BEV'S HOME-DAY Bev lies in bed wincing and groaning. She is clearly playing it up. Dorothy stands over her, her hand on Bev's forehead. DOROTHY Well, you do feel a little warm. Nothing a day of rest won't fix. Bev and Dorothy smile sincerely at one another. BEV Thanks, mom. DOROTHY Don't thank me. I think we could all use a little time off after yesterday.. but, not all of us have that luxury... Bev's smile fades. DOROTHY Oh, well... feel better honey and try to take this time to think about

  • Teaching in the Nude

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    So there I was, standing in the locker room. There were eight four-year olds (boys and girls) the two teachers (both women, around the age of twenty five) and me. It was a Wednesday, which means it is a swim day. As everyone around me began shedding his or her clothes, I felt my heart skip a beat as I wondered where I was going to change. "Um, do I just take off my clothes and change right in front of the children?" I asked, sheepishly. "Well, unless you plan to swim in your clothes

  • The Unreality of MTV's The Real World

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    show takes 7 strangers, puts them in a trendy luxurious home, taping them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for about 4 months. The cameras capture petty arguments, late night hook ups, and pure laziness. How could this not be real? There are not many people that can live in an expensive home while laying around all day, and partying all night with little work involved. The Real World is a display of 18-24 year olds, typecasted to have their most extreme stereotypical qualities blown out of proportion

  • Old English And Modern English (OE) To Present Day English

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    language have triggered a chain of reactions in its development. The arrival of invaders to the British Isles at different points in time that spoke several languages and dialects is a main factor. The passage through Old English (OE), Middle English (ME) and Modern English (MoE) to Present Day English (PDE) has been carried out in different levels, being some of them more affected than other depending on the period. From OE to Early MoE the language has been developed as a result of the waves of invaders

  • Kids and the Coffee Craze

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    Kids and the Coffee Craze Chellie Normand’s 11-year-old daughter started drinking coffee when she could first pick up a cup. “We used to put spoonfuls in the empty creamer containers at Denny's for her to sip a little when she was about a year old,” the 34-year-old mom from Lawton, Oklahoma said. ”By the time she was 6, she'd use $1 of her allowance each month to buy one specialty coffee that she liked ... She doesn't go through a pot a day, like [me], but she has it now and then when she wants

  • The Power Struggle at the Occidental Child Development

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    an outsider to this center, because I have been working with this particular bunch of children for a year, so I am well accepted when I asked to join in the games with the children. The center has a total 45 preschool students aging from 2-5 years old and seven staff members and five student workers. Throughout my research the director, teachers, and my fellow student workers accompanied me at all times, however I have not included all 45 children and all eight staff members. I have narrowed my

  • America Must Lower the Drinking Age

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    drinking cannot simply be eliminated from the United States” (Olson). In the present day, the government is still reiterating the same mistakes that they made in past attempts (Engs). Research from the early 1980’s until present-day shows a decrease in per capita consumption instead, there has been an increase in other problems involving excessive and negligent drinking amongst college students after the twenty –one year old law in 1987 (Engs). The current drinking age of 21 is not effective and is causing