Many Benefits Essays

  • Computers And The Many Benefits

    973 Words  | 2 Pages

    Computers and the Many Benefits Computers play a huge part in many all of our lives in one way or another. They have many purposes and are used in various types of environments, such as medical facilities, government offices, and many households. They also are the reason we are able to surf the internet, watch animated television shows and see movies with special graphics. Computers have impacted our lives in many ways. You may not notice it but they did make life a lot easier. Without computers

  • For the Benefit of Many

    1489 Words  | 3 Pages

    For the Benefit of Many It was a cool crisp October night and a family was on their way home from a high school football game. The children were in the back seat playing quietly and the parents were having a pleasant conversation about the game. Suddenly the brakes squealed and the car skidded to an abrupt stop. What was this problem that just about caused an accident and could it have been avoided. This type of incident happens all over the United States and sometimes has a fatal ending. Deer are

  • Online Voting and the Digital Divide

    2842 Words  | 6 Pages

    recent advancement has the capacity of delivering democracy into the homes of every American.  But while allowing citizens to submit online ballots from their homes has many benefits, we must also address its implications, especially in the area of equality. The ability to vote online has great potential.  Salient benefits include expediency and accuracy - qualities that may have prevented the nightmarish experience of Election 2000.  In that election, thousands of votes in Florida, and elsewhere

  • Five Biological Killers that May be Used for Terrorism

    2812 Words  | 6 Pages

    Advanced technology affords many benefits to human beings, but it also provides instruments of mass destruction. For example, advanced biological technology may provide cures for illnesses but it also provides instruments of biological terrorism. When war involves these microscopic, deadly, biological agents, it takes on a new and frightening dimension. Human beings harnessing the power of bacteria to kill large quantities of people sounds like science fiction. Unfortunately, we now hear about use

  • The Many Benefits of Reading

    1997 Words  | 4 Pages

    people AND keep the brain ticking over. Reaching for a favourite magazine or book could well be good for your health” (Appleby). Reading has many benefits. The three main benefits include; health benefits, knowledge benefits, and life benefits. Parents should encourage their children to read because of the many benefits. First off reading has many health benefits. Not only does reading help with the development of the brain in children but reading can also be very therapeutic. "It's not only what we

  • The Many Benefits of Hunting

    2170 Words  | 5 Pages

    When a Minnesota dentist killed a prized African lion named "Cecil" he received an onslaught of criticism and reignited the debate concerning hunting. To many people, hunting is a cruel and inhuman act. For others, hunting is a sport and a way of life. Is hunting ethical? Should hunting be allowed to continue? First off, what is hunting? According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, hunting is a “sport that involves the seeking, pursuing, and killing of wild animals and birds, called game and game

  • The Many Benefits of Adoption

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    conceive, but by thinking of adoption as nothing more than the fallback option for childless couples, adopting a child doesn’t even come to mind for the majority of parents in the United States who already have biological children of their own. Although many people often consider adoption to be reserved only for couples who are unable to have children themselves, there are numerous reasons why the decision to adopt could be very beneficial for families with their own, biological children as well. The idea

  • The Many Benefits of Globalization

    1012 Words  | 3 Pages

    ability to adapt policies that are not seen to be market friendly” (Goudie 531). People’s ability to communicate across the borders, suggests that globalization has effected just about every part of the world in some way. Globalization can be put into many different forms or categories based on what part of the world it effects. Economic globalization would probably be one of the most familiar forms. This form of globalization refers to the growing economic interdependence of countries worldwide through

  • The Many Benefits of Hunting

    1265 Words  | 3 Pages

    When a Minnesota dentist killed a prized African lion named "Cecil" he received an onslaught of criticism and reignited the debate concerning hunting. Those who oppose hunting often have no understanding of the many benefits provided by hunting. Hunting provides free census animal data, as well as money to sustain clean rivers and forests and to manage wildlife populations. Animals are treated more humanely by a hunter’s bullet than by a slaughterhouse’s blade. There are two categories of hunters

  • The Many Benefits of Universal Religions

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    followers across the globe. Ethnic religions and universal religions are very different. While ethnic religions have stayed in concentrated areas, isolated from everyone else, not seeking any other followers, universal religions had openly welcomed many diverse people, and succeeded to rapidly solve major world issues. It is inexorable that universal religions have enhanced the world’s health. This can be observed through the advancement of healthcare, encouragement of widespread education, and their

  • The Many Benefits of Pet Ownership

    953 Words  | 2 Pages

    much deeper than the phrase might initially imply. Recently many medical journals have begun to identify with the many and varied benefits of pet ownership. Men have always relied upon animals for work, transportation, and survival. As times have changed, man has begun to appreciate a different bond with animals. Gone are the days of animals running free outside around the homestead, for now animals are allowed inside and are considered by many to be an integral part of our daily lives! Medical studies

  • The Many Benefits of the Parole System

    1272 Words  | 3 Pages

    England, parole was known to have been called “transportation, which entailed sending the offender away to live in exile” (Whitehead, 101). Nowadays in the United States, parole is utilized in many states and nearly 853,900 had a current status of being on parole in the end of 2011(United States). There are many terms and conditions that must be followed while on parole and if these rules are disobeyed, then the parolee will be sent back to prison to finish their prison sentence that they were given

  • The Many Benefits of Tiny Houses

    2765 Words  | 6 Pages

    With the current economic status of the American nation, paying jobs are getting harder to find and keep, housing prices are skyrocketing, and many Americans are miserable, finding their lives in a rut. There’s little to no time to do what one loves or spend with one’s family, and the free chances one does get usually gets gobbled up by household work or maintenance. What if all that just went away? No more worry about filling up leftover space, more time to do what one wants to do, and more money

  • The Many Benefits of Online Dating

    886 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the twenty-first century, we use the internet for almost everything that we do. We use search engines such as Bing or Google to find information. Websites like Netflix and Hulu allow us to watch shows and movies without an expensive cable or satellite subscription. Social networks provide a new way to communicate with friends and family. Entire companies are run through the internet. With gas prices rising every day, it has also become increasingly popular to see a lot of jobs turn to telecommuting

  • Travelling by Chartered Flight and Its Many Benefits

    529 Words  | 2 Pages

    Traveling by Chartered Flight and Its Many Benefits Flying by private jet charter has many benefits, and if you have the money to do so, you can choose to use this option, which is the preferred traveling method of many professional athletes, business executives, entertainment celebrities, defense officials, politicians, and wealthy individuals. It is true that using an aircraft charter has redefined how citizens travel, in comparison to traditional commercial flights. The perks associated with

  • The Many Benefits of Active Noise Cancellation

    2019 Words  | 5 Pages

    One of the major problems that society faces today is noise pollution. Everywhere people go there is always something that is making a sound. It can be very loud such as a plane flying overhead, or it could be quiet like the fan of a computer. When a person is exposed to certain noises for extended periods of time it can not only damage their hearing, but also effect their mood, energy level, and productivity. As a result, there has been a push in the last fifty years or so to silence some of

  • Genetic Engineering: The Tremendous Benefits Outweigh the Risks

    2253 Words  | 5 Pages

    what many of these genes control, both in plants and animals. Scientists then can modify these genes to benefit the organism. For example, if a person has a gene that codes for a certain disease, scientists can insert healthy copies of that gene to heal the patient. Genetic engineering is the hottest new field in medical research (Elmer-Dewitt). Although there have been some questions about whether genetic engineering is ethical or safe, there are too many benefits to ignore it. Of the many uses

  • The Many Benefits of Single-Sex Classrooms

    1333 Words  | 3 Pages

    The teacher tossed a Styrofoam basketball to the outstretched arms of a fifth grade boy. Catching the ball was the incentive for the boys to point out missing conventions in a paragraph. The teacher projected a paragraph on the board with omitted punctuation for the students to add. The other boys in the class watched him as he went to the board to add the missing comma and then tossed the ball back to the teacher. A few seconds later, other arms shot up in the air to point out other missing conventions

  • The Many Benefits of High School Debate

    2634 Words  | 6 Pages

    discourse, social confidence and empowerment of ideas. As in every field debaters have their own terminology that helps to initiate members into the community. Knowing and manipulating the terminology made competitors very successful in and out of rounds. Many of the terms are also used in other sophisticated academic environments. Thus successful use of this terminology by high school student was regarded very highly by professionals and higher education recruiters. Common terms include: rhetoric     

  • The Benefits of Having a Greenhouse

    1518 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Benefits of Having a Greenhouse There are many benefits of having a greenhouse or growing space attached to the average family home. A well-built greenhouse can utilize solar power in such a way that it becomes a positive addition to the household in every way. Greenhouses present an opportunity for everyone to be able to grow some of their own food, save electricity, gain practical experience, and soothe their mind and body. Throughout history gardens have served as a food source for families