Human Depravity Essays

  • Human Depravity

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    Position on Human Depravity In humanity's constant search for understanding, one of the core issues concerns our very nature. Knowledge of our true nature would provide an insight into many of the questions that go unanswered in our world. Whether deep down inside we are good or evil decides what situation we are in, and has implications about what we can do about it. Two famous figures in Christian history have taken opposing views on this subject. Augustine believed that humans have been corrupted

  • The Pit Of Human Depravity

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    the Jewish race that led toward genocide. Genocide did not begin with the Holocaust; nor was it a spontaneous event. Many warning signs within world events helped provide Germany and Adolf Hitler the foundation to carry out increasing levels of human depravity (Mission Statement). These warning signs during the Holocaust include; Anti-Semitism, Hitler Youth, Racial profiling, the Ghettos, Lodz, Crystal Night, Pogroms, and Deportation. However, their exposure comes too late for the world to help prevent

  • Measure for Measure Essay: Lord Angelo's Hypocrisy

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    fanaticism in the play. It's interesting to note that Lord Angelo's name evokes an image of purity and holiness.  Names are given at birth, and the idea that he is called angelic from the start, would argue against this doctrine of innate depravity.  But, as Shakespeare argues, it's a name that can't be lived up to because of natural passions and lusts, which ultimately leads to Angelo's hypocrisy.  The play opens up not only dressing up Angelo with a pure name, but also as a puritanical deputy

  • Hamlet And Macbeth As Tragedies

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    undeserved misfortunes, terror by misfortunes befalling a man like ourselves". "There remains, then, as the only proper subject for tragedy, the spectacle of a man not absolutely or eminently good or wise, who is brought to disaster not by sheer depravity but by some error or frailty". "Lastly, this man must be highly renowned and prosperous-and Oedipus, a Thyestes, or some other illustrious person" (Quiller-Couch 1). "A tragedy, he tells us, is a play in which the chief characters experience a change

  • John Proctor as the Tragic Hero in The Crucible by Arthur Miller

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    from the great philosopher, Aristotle. When depicting a tragic hero, Aristotle states "The change in the hero's fortunes be not from misery to happiness, but on the contrary, from happiness to misery, and the cause of it must not lie in any depravity but in some great error on his part." In addition, he explains the four essential qualities that a tragic hero should possess, which are goodness, appropriateness, lifelike, and consistency. All of these necessities help to classify the character

  • The Parasites of Atlas Shrugged

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    sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine,” (731). This is an inspiration, awakening an inner voice and drive that impels each person to do their absolute best. It implores the soul of the reader to awaken, to become the ideal of the human spirit, and to rise until it can rise no higher. It is a call to anyone with reason, anyone with the strength to be an Atlas, and it is reminding him or her of their duty to live up to the individual potential. For as long as there are those who would

  • Human Depravity In Joseph Conrad's Heart Of Darkness

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    theme by using different literary devices. In Conrad's novel, he uses the literary elements of symbolism, figurative language, and Biblical allusions to demonstrate the theme of human depravity when removed from civilization. The author uses the literary element of symbolism to demonstrate the theme of human depravity when removed from civilization. In particular, Kurtz's painting of a blindfolded woman holding a torch symbolizes the Europeans' ignorance of the horrific events in the Congo. The

  • Depravity and Destruction in Blood Meridian

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    Depravity and Destruction in Blood Meridian Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian is a passionate, lyrical, and ugly novel of depravity and destruction of life in the Old West. It is a story of a hellish journey where violence and corruption are currency in a life of murder and treachery. Contrasting scenes of scenic beauty, poetically described by McCarthy, are negated by his gruesome accounts of despicable scenes of human cruelty in the examination of evil. Like all of McCarthy's earlier novels, Blood

  • Confession, Exploration and Comfort in Upon the Burning of Our House by Anne Bradstreet

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    Confession, Exploration and Comfort in Upon the Burning of Our House The theological concept of humankind’s inherent depravity created tension in the lives of seventeenth century New England Puritans.  The Puritans believed that humans were born sinful and remained in this condition throughout life.  This doctrine stressed self-discipline and introspection, through which the Puritan sought to determine whether particular spiritual strivings were genuine marks of true religiosity.  God preordained

  • Major Images in Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

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    the baptism into sin” (Fogle 24).  3.  “The pink ribbons that adorn the cap which Faith wears . . . are a badge of feminine innocence” (Abel 130).  4.  “Neither scarlet nor white, but of a hue somewhere between, the ribbons suggest neither total depravity nor innocence, but a psychological state somewhere between.  Tied like a label to the head of Faith, they represent the tainted innocence, the spiritual imperfection of all mankind” (Ferguson). Goodman Brown:  1.  According to Levy, he “is Everyman

  • Essay on the Conflicts, Climax and Resolution in Rappaccini’s Daughter

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    interpretation. In the opinion of this reader, the central conflict – the relation between the protagonist and antagonist usually(Abrams 225) - in the tale is an internal one within Giovanni between his love for Beatrice and his Puritan belief in the depravity of man. His love for the beautiful daughter blinds him to various indications of her poisonous nature, to the evil nature of her father and to the intent of her father to involve Giovanni as a subject in his sinister experiment. An assortment of

  • Conflict between Good and Evil in Bradstreet’s The Flesh and the Spirit

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    religion when he noted that “The greatest part of Christian grace lies in mourning the want of it.”  Shepard suggests, in this passage, that good Christians should spend their days, indeed their entire lives, exploring and proclaiming their own depravity and sinfulness, their “want” of Christian grace.  Paradoxically, only this kind of a life could lead, ultimately, to the possibile attainment of God’s grace and thus entrance into heaven.  For the Puritans, such a formula posed a never-ending, internal

  • Duality of Man Exposed in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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    common trait they hold of having two contrasting components in their being.  Throughout history, there has always been a conflict with the view of goodness and evilness in man.  The philosopher Plato believed that man was born with a natural depravity and was basically an untrained animal who needed society's help to structure, educate, and fulfill his needs.  On the other hand, Plato's pupil Aristotle believed that man is initially born with goodness and virtue.  The issue of man's two

  • Essay Comparing Othello And Volpone

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    uncommonly similar in nature. An elaborate "con game" is practiced in each play through intriguing dramatic inventiveness. However, the focus of Shakespeare's tragedy is upon a noble and heroic figure; the focus of Jonson's comedy is upon a monster of depravity, a genius in crime. Comparisons between these great plays continues to pale when Jonson's script is held up to scrutiny. Whereas Shakespeare's seventeenth century

  • Measure for Measure Essay: Immorality and Corruption

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    corruption is innate in mankind. It is worth noting that Lord Angelo's name evokes an image of purity and holiness.  Names are given at birth, and the idea that he is called angelic from the start, would argue against this doctrine of innate depravity.  But, as Shakespeare argues, it's a name that can't be lived up to because of natural passions and lusts, which ultimately leads to Angelo's hypocrisy.  The play opens up not only labelling Angelo with a pure name, but also as a puritanical deputy

  • The Dichotomy Of Gretchen in Faust by Johann Goethe

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    mother of mankind, the pure woman who makes men's salvation possible. She has no evil in her at all. In contrast, Eve is the archetypal figure of the fallen woman, the cause of man's suffering and damnation. She symbolizes death, destruction, and human depravity. Eve is the antithesis of Mary; together the two archetypes correspond to the two sides of Gretchen's character. When Gretchen is first introduced in the play, she appears to be the ideal of innocence and purity. When Faust tries to talk to

  • Herman Melville's Billy Budd - Innocence is More Important that Wisdom

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    rights.  It is here, also, that Billy meets John Claggart, the master-at-arms.  A man "in whom was the mania of an evil nature, not engendered by vicious training or corrupting books or licentious living but born with him and innate, in short 'a depravity according to nature'"(38). Here then, is presented a man with a personality and character to contrast and conflict with Billy's.  Sweet, innocent Billy immediately realizes that this man is someone he does not wish to cross and so after seeing

  • Mankind's Evil Exposed in Lord of the Flies

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    Mankind's Evil Exposed in Lord of the Flies Despite the progression of civilization and society's attempts to suppress man's darker side, moral depravity proves both indestructible and inescapable; contrary to culturally embraced views of humanistic tendencies towards goodness, each individual is susceptible to his base, innate instincts. In William Golding's Lord of the Flies, seemingly innocent schoolboys evolve into bloodthirsty savages as the latent evil within them emerges. Their

  • The Character of Caliban in Shakespeare's Tempest

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    great deal of grey. It is the characters ambiguity that enables him to be human inside although appearing bestial on the outside. Caliban is a great example of a character being much more than one dimensional, almost to the point of being nearly a real person. While there is a great emphasis on the pure and the good, everyone has within them a darker side. Which is that of depravity and evil thoughts. This is what makes us human. It is how we deal with these thoughts and balance them that makes us

  • Jealousy in Shakespeare's Othello

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    Jealousy in Othello Shakespeare’s play, Othello is mostly concentrated upon one particular evil. The action concerns sexual jealousy. And although human sinfulness is such that, jealousy ceaselessly touches on other forms of depravity, the center of the interest always returns in Othello to the destruction of the love through jealousy, so for that reason in this essay I'm going to talk about the jealousy in which almost everybody in this play is going through. In the play Othello we can fine like