Homosexuals Essays

  • Homosexual Indifference

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    Homosexual Indifference The times seem to be changing in acceptance of homosexual relationships for the better, but many laws as well as society still prohibit gay marriage and adoption. There are two sources which I will use to show different view points on gay marriage and adoption. The first is an article written by Andrew Sullivan, titled “Let Gays Marry.” This is written as an informal piece to argue that gay people should be allowed to marry one another. The next is also on gay marriage

  • The Homosexual Brain?

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    The Homosexual Brain? In 1992, Vice-President Dan Quayle said that homosexuality "is more of a choice than a biological situation...It is a wrong choice." (1). Quayle's statement counters the sentiment of many homosexuals that their sexual orientation is neither a lifestyle nor a personal choice, it is innate and unchangeable (2) . Is homosexuality a choice or does sexual preference have a biological basis? This question is at the forefront of academic, scientific, political, legal and media

  • Rights for Homosexuals

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    Rights for Homosexuals Gay marriage is a hotly debated issue in today's society. Andrew Sullivan and William Bennett offer opposing views in the June 3, 1996 edition of Newsweek. Sullivan's article, “Let Gays Marry,” offers several arguments supporting the issues of same sex marriage. Bennett counters in his article, “Leave Marriage Alone,” that same sex marriages would be damaging to the sanctity of marriage. Each author presents several reasons for the positions they defend and bring

  • Homosexual and Religion

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    The essay by Peter J. Gomes, entitled �Homophobic? Read Your Bible,� can be analyzed in many ways. The essay discusses the issue of homosexuality as it relates to religion. The Baptist minister provides an unexpected approach to the subject. Mr. Gomes�s thesis statement in this essay is, �The army of the discontented, eager for clear villains and simple solutions and ready for a crusade in which political self-interest and social anxiety can be cloaked in morality, has found hatred of homosexuality

  • Treatment of Homosexuals in Reality and Pop Culture

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    shock value if nothing else. Some demonize it, holding things like religion as proving, "alternative lifestyles," to be wrong. Some have erotisied homosexuality as in many of Anne Rice's vampire novels. Some laugh at homosexuality or people who are homosexual, calling it, "weird". Some react violently, as in the case of Matthew Shepard. And yet others have gradually turned towards acceptance shown (debatably) in such movies as, " To Wong-Fu Love Julie Newmar" and " In and Out". Pop culture has largely

  • We Must Teach the Homosexual About Christ

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    We Must Teach the Homosexual About Christ All sins are forgivable and we are all sinners, but sin has to be recognized for what it is if divine mercy is to be had. So much of the talk about homosexuality is an understandable human effort to change the subject. Any reference to the wrongness of homosexuality is likely to invite the charge of homophobia, turning the accusation on the supposed accuser. But of course the moral law is not the property of anyone, and invoking it need not be an accusation

  • Gay and Lesbian Issues - The Nazi Extermination of Homosexuals

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    Gay and Lesbian Issues - The Nazi Extermination of Homosexuals The Holocaust is the greatest atrocity ever committed. Millions upon millions of people were ruthlessly tortured and executed during the infamous reign of the Third Reich. The events and conditions surrounding Adolf Hitler’s rise to power have been extensively studied by historians, sociologists, political scientists, and psychologists in the hopes of preventing this state of merciless dictatorship from ever recurring. Due to the

  • Gay Rights: Homosexuals Deserve the same Rights as Heterosexuals

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    Homosexual people do not want to have special privileges. They just want to have the same rights as heterosexuals, nothing more, and nothing less. Homosexuals are a growing minority with nearly a million gays and lesbians identifying themselves as members of same-sex couples in the 2000 census. But the total gay population is much larger, since the census didn’t provide an opportunity for single homosexuals to identify their sexual orientation, and didn’t count gay couples who live apart (Mason 1)

  • Homosexual Elements in The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

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    Homosexual Elements in The Picture of Dorian Gray In spite of the novel's heterosexual text, many critics agree that it has various homosexual elements in its characters, in the dialogues, and even in the portrait itself. One of the critics, Richard Dellamora, mentions this feature of the text, and comments that "By definition this context is heterosexual. Wotton is married and pursues actresses. Basil himself is a graduate of Oxford, a well-established artist, and respectable to a fault" (28)

  • Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Issues - Courage and Homosexual Desires

    704 Words  | 2 Pages

    Essays - Courage and Homosexual Desires Persons with homosexual desires have always been with us, however up to recent times, there has been little if any outreach in the way of support groups or information.   Most were left to work out their path to chastity on their own.  Many found they were unable to do this and folded to the pressures of the increasingly secular society opting to act on their desires in gay circles.  Choosing this direction locked them into a way of life that does not bring

  • Male Homosexual Roles Among the Isthmus Zapotec of Southern Mexico

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    Male Homosexual Roles Amog the Isthmus Zapotec of Southern Mexico Carlos and Javier are two men living in the city of Juchit∫n, Mexico. They work at a small hotel just off the z-calo, the main town square. Sometimes they converge with other men outside the hotel to watch people as they walk past in the z-calo. As nearly anywhere in Mexico, the men comment and nudge each other when an attractive woman passes, but Carlos and Javier remain silent throughout the exchange. It is not until an attractive

  • Homosexual Theme in Tennessee William's Cat On A Hot Tin Roof

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    Homosexual Theme in Tennessee William's Cat On A Hot Tin Roof In his essay "Come back to the Locker Room Ag'in, Brick Honey!" Mark Royden Winchell discusses several aspects of the homosexual theme in Tennessee William's play Cat On A Hot Tin Roof. Winchell describes the play as subversive because it casts doubt onto the innocence of male companionship, the two most tolerant characters are the most overtly heterosexual characters, and homosexuality is depicted as a personal rather than social

  • Lesbian and Gay Teens

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    fears are horrible enough. For a lesbian and gay teenager, who lacks experience and life skills to cope with them, such fears can be overwhelming. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth face many problems as they realize they are homosexual. Often they don't know even one other homosexual person and feel very alone and misunderstood. They see very few role models, no one to identify with. No one knows their secrets, no one shares their pain. No one will stop others from name calling if the name calling is

  • Homosexuality and the Christian Church

    2159 Words  | 5 Pages

    right and which and which one is wrong? Issues such as should homosexuals be aloud in the church? If so how involved should they be? And most importantly what does God have to say about homosexuality? These are tough question brought about by a tough issue and the only way these questions can be resolved with absolute indisputable authority is by looking into the Holy bible and seeking God’s truth on homosexuality. Should homosexuals be allowed in the church? The answer to this question is a

  • Gay Child Rearing

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    molestation of a homosexual parent? A female teaches the child how to love, be caring, and offers a maternal nurturing that only a mother can give while a male teaches a child to be strong, disciplined, and offers a paternal upbringing. Don’t children need both of these gender advantages to be a straight, gender stable child? If this balance is broken, is it impossible for a child to be attracted strictly to the opposite sex? Will all children of same sex marriages become homosexual themselves in

  • The Church and Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Issues

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    understand sexual orientation (heterosexual or homosexual) as a deep-seated dimension of one's personality and to recognize its relative stability in a person. Generally, homosexual orientation is experienced as a given, not as something freely chosen. By itself, therefore, a homosexual orientation cannot be considered sinful, for morality presumes the freedom to choose. The teachings of the Church make it clear that the fundamental human rights of homosexual persons must be defended and that all of us

  • Homophobia

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    were, but they are not being treated as equals. There are thousands more homosexual assaults than any other minority. Gays are treated as outcasts, and all because why? What causes people to fear or loath homosexuals? Are they fearing inner feelings that they hide from the rest of the world, or is it simply the case that society has warped their fragile minds into believing that gays are a threat? Homosexuals are the target of harassment and violent attacks, and the numbers of these

  • The Theme Of Homosocial Desire In The Films Of Kevin Smith

    2679 Words  | 6 Pages

    Homosocial Desire in the Films of Kevin Smith In present society, any man who loves another man is labeled a homosexual. If a man is not a homosexual, then he is not allowed to display any form of affection for another male. If a man does go beyond the boundaries of showing affection for another man, that man runs the risk of being labeled a homosexual. However, there are those who see the error of this and want to change this societal viewpoint. Two examples of individuals who have

  • Aristophanes and Homoeroticism: Admiration or Scorn?

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    complicated concepts to grasp, however, is Aristophanes’ true sentiment regarding homosexual love and practice. The aim of this paper is to compare Aristophanes’ presentation of homoeroticism in The Women at the Thesmophoria to that of his speech in Plato’s Symposium and attempt to clarify the playwright’s stance on the matter. In these two works, Aristophanes offers a mix of mocking and approving sentiments oh homosexual men and the practice of homosexuality itself. As he is a comedian, Aristophanes

  • Identifying Lesbian and Mother

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    phenomenon of lesbian women who, through childbirth, gain access to the heterosexual community as an in-group member. At first glance, Lewin's observations seem to subvert traditional inside/outside ideology, portraying the boundaries of the hetero- and homosexual worlds as permeable rather than rigidly, relationally exclusive. A more exhaustive analysis, namely of the accounts of the women Lewin interviews, serves instead to reinforce inside/outside construction in relation to self and perceived identity