Evolutionary Theory Essays

  • Evolutionary Theory: The Relationship Between Science and Religion

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    Evolutionary Theory: The Relationship Between Science and Religion In "The Selfish Gene" (1), Dawkins introduced the concept of replicating units of information, called "memes". They compete for our minds and our hearts, replicating in society in the form of fairy tales, catchy tunes, moral codes and theories. One of the most prolific struggles today occurs between the titanic memes of Science and Religion. While their relationship is complex, its historical trajectory is one of co-evolution

  • The Validity of The Evolutionary Theory

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    The evolution theory, one of the most significant theories, laid groundwork for the study of modern biological science. This theory has lead scientists into unending debates due to lack of empirical supports. Until the mid-eighteenth century, when Charles Darwin came up with an explanation to evolution, scientists, then, began to endorse this hypothesis. In “Natural Selection,” Darwin explains the natural selection, a plausible mechanism that causes evolution, to gain approval of his cynical audience

  • Humanistic Theory vs. Evolutionary Theory

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    Evolutionary theory is developed from Darwin’s argument that “suggests that a process of natural selection leads to the survival of the fittest and the development of traits that enable a species to adept to its environment. “ Many have taken this a step further by saying that our genetic inheritance determines not only our physical traits but also certain personality traits and social behaviors. There is such a controversy over significant

  • John Bowlby's Evolutionary Theory Of Attachment

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    In his evolutionary theory of attachment, originator John Bowlby, dictates that infants are born with an innate ability to form attachments with caregivers as a survival tactic. His research and findings rejected the previously conceived notion that humans are motivated by inborn drives and that children become connected to parents because of the tangible benefits provided by the parent. In contrast, Bowlby proposed that human motivation is generated by an intuitive behavioral system that facilitates

  • Evolutionary Theory: Anaximander And The Evolutionary Theory

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    ago. Animals and plants descended from earlier life forms. However, this has not always been known. Evolution has been a thoroughly studied theory that has its estimated origins with the Greeks of antiquity and that has continued up to modern times. But just how did evolutionary theory develop, and who were its major thinkers? A brief history of evolutionary thought and its significant proponents is vital to understanding just what shaped

  • Scientific Theory: The Evolutionary Theory

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    1. What is a scientific theory? How does the scientific use of theory differ from common uses of the word theory? What effect does this have on public discussion about Darwinian Evolution? Scientific theories are hypotheses that have withstood repeated testing by different people and whose results have been confirmed to remain constant, therefore there exists little chance that new tests will change the outcome (Lewis & Germain). It does not rely on metaphysical explanations, instead it uses induction

  • Gradualism Versus Punctuationism

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    divided on the issues surrounding evolutionary theory, a close look at the evidence suggests that both the gradualist school of thought and the punctuationist school of thought share many characteristics in common. This is especially true when evaluating their beliefs about the fossil record, disagreement with the theory of saltation, and the misinterpretation of the word “rapid” in terms of punctuationist theory. Although this may be the case, the two theories do diverge on one important point,

  • Anthropocentrism Essay

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    The Evolution of Anthropocentrism Evolutionary theory throws humans into a tizzy. Driven by the need to amass knowledge, we find ourselves surging forward into the exploration of a story where the more we know, the less we can feature ourselves. Eminent evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr contends that anthropocentrism and belief in evolution by natural selection are mutually exclusive (Mayr 1972). In other words, the Darwinian story of biological evolution rejects the notion of progress and replaces

  • Evolutionary Theory Essay

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    Evolutionary theory suggests that in order to prevent contact with harmful pathogens, people identify and avoid heuristic cues that are associated with disease (Schaller, 2011). Further, people who feel most vulnerable to disease tend to associate subjectively foreign out-groups with disease and act more negatively toward them (Faulkner, Schaller, Park & Duncan, 2004). The negative effects of prejudice are both physical and psychological: People who reported being subjected to prejudice also had

  • Biography of Charles Darwin

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    Charles Darwin was a very famous British scientist who laid the foundation of modern evolutionary theory with his concept of the development of all forms of life through the slow working process of natural selection. His work was mainly based on the life and earth sciences an on modern thought in general. Charles Robert Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England on February 12, 1809. He was the fifth child of Robert Warning Darwin. After Char-les had graduated from the elite school at

  • Evolution Vs Creation

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    Creation vs. Evolution Is Evolution Biologically Impossible? How creationists justify their position against the evolutionary process, and how evolutionists answer them. The Overwhelming Odds against Spontaneous Generation Perhaps the most common scientific argument against the evolutionary theory used by creationists is the mathematical impossibility for the occurrence of successful changes in the DNA that actually results in a development of a new or modified species

  • Cultural Materialism

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    When it comes to anthropological theory the combination of several established ways of thought often result in a completely new and independent way of thinking. Cultural Materialism is one of these children theories that resulted from a coming together of social evolutionary theory, cultural ecology and Marxist materialism (Barfield). The goal of cultural materialism is to explain politics, economics, ideology and symbolic aspects of a culture with relation to the needs of that society. From a cultural

  • Evolutionary Theory In Biomedical Science

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    Discuss the relevance of Evolutionary theory in Biomedical Science. Evolution is still nevertheless one of the most largely discussed topics in modern society. The theory of evolution was first proposed by Charles Darwin (1990) and is described as process by which all biotic creatures have developed and advanced from primitive organisms through changes occurring over time. The relevance of this fundamental theory is witnessed throughout the many disciplines of the pathology department in subject

  • Dawkins's Evolutionary Game Theory

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    Dawkins, who offers an explanation of this seemingly high-convoluted behavior in terms of a simple “evolutionary game theory”. This theory is especially relevant for this essay in terms of how politics can be understood scientifically as it implies that all human interaction and behavior is highly predictable. Political science is just syntactic sugar for “people interacting with other people”; that’s all it is really. Dawkins says that our actions are mainly determined by our genes and we make decisions

  • Muri Panic: The Evolutionary Theory Of Agoraphobia

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    public unless is with a trusted individual (Nesse 1987). Fears can be formed in absence of prior experiences. These fears may have a biological factor the is explained by the evolutionary theory. This may account for an individual who has had the phobia for as long as they can remember. These internal fears, from an evolutionary perspective, may have formed to protect the individual. Etiologically, development of specific phobias during childhood are proposed to be from learning experiences that are

  • The Relevance of Evolutionary Theory in Biomedical Science

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    Evolution has been arguably one of the largely discussed topics in the advanced institution of science. The theory of evaluation, first presented by Charlies Darwin (1990), states that all biotic organisms were developed and advanced from primitive organisms through gradual changes occurring over time. The relevance of this fundamental theory is witnessed throughout the disciplines of the pathology department in the subject area of biomedical science. Biomedical science consists of seven major disciplines;

  • Darwin’s Evolutionary Gender Theory Flaw

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    sexism and racism which were clearly integrated into his theories. There are some facets of Darwin’s theory about the differences in men and women which can be explained by biology but overall, it is clear that his theory is based on the sexist ideas prevalent in the 1800s. Women are expected to be caring, selfless, maternal, and submissive while men are expected to be dominant, aggressive, successful and confident. Most of Darwin’s theory relating to the differences in men and women can be explained

  • Argumentative Essay: The Evolutionary Theory Of Social Change

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    long time, the narrative was that there was just the theory of social change, which was focused on macrosocial big picture change. It was also highly functionalist in the way it was considered; it said that all things should be considered in what they do, and what their almost mechanical purpose is in the global social machine. That functionalist mentality explained why things changed and differed throughout time to make a sort of evolutionary machine. It was orderly and made little room for superfluous

  • Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection Versus Creationism

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    Darwinian evolution has led me to believe that there is little room for spirituality of any kind in a truly rigorous scientific theory of the origin of life. This is disconcerting, to say the least. Obviously we have outgrown a strictly creationist lens, but has religion become completely obsolete? Does spirituality have a real place amongst the scientific tenets of evolutionary theory, or is it merely a crutch that we lean on? Can God and Darwin co-exist? The constantly mounting collection of evidence

  • Creationism vs. Evolution

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    creatures in it. Then there are those who believe in evolution, which is supported by a plethora of facts and theories. Darwin is the most famous person associated with the theory of evolution. He suggested that humans had evolved, over a long period of time, from lower primates. He is also famous for the concept that coined the phrase “survival of the fittest.” Darwin’s evolutionary theory of life on earth argues that present day creatures that roam the earth are the outcome of billions of years