Capitalist Essays

  • Architecture of the New Capitalist Society

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    Architecture of the New Capitalist Society INTRODUCTORY THEME Daniel Libeskind’s winning design for the new World Trade Center takes a sentimental and metaphorical approach. He claims that the completed WTC would become the representation of America’s belief in humanity, its need for individual dignity, and its beliefs in the cooperation of human. Libeskind’s original design focused on restoring the spiritual peak to the New York City and creating an icon that speaks of America’s vitality in the

  • Monopolies In A Capitalist Economy

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    In a capitalist economy there are both wanted and unwanted monopolies. However, in a capitalist economy certain monopolies are needed. Monopolies have a big impact on the economy and the consumers because of the amount of control that the monopolies have on the economy. There are certain times when it is best to have monopolies then others, it really depends on the status of the economy. There is no doubt that monopolies do indeed play a critical role in a capitalist economy, but sometimes there

  • Karl Marx - Capitalist Alienation

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    A century and a half ago, Karl Marx established a theory that today is known as the backbone to modern socialism and communism. Marx viewed the early capitalism of his own day as inherently exploitive. At the core of capitalist production is what is considered surplus value, the value left over after the producer (in Marx’s case, factory owner) had paid the fixed costs of production such as raw materials, machinery, overhead and wages. The left over amount was kept as profit, a profit that Marx saw

  • The Role of Greed in a Capitalist Society

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    The Role of Greed in a Capitalist Society Introduction Much has been said about the role of greed in a capitalist, free market economy. Some believe that greed fuels the economy. Others say that it undermines the value system that drives the economy. Adam Smith said that, "It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest" (Smith, 1776: 26-27). This statement explains that it is the self-interest

  • Criminalization of Poverty in Capitalist America

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    An anonymous poet in the 1700's wrote about crime: "The law will punish a man or woman who steals the goose from the hillside, but lets the greater robber loose who steals the hillside from the goose."[l] When talking about "the greater robber" it seemed particularly appropriate in the midst of the biggest financial rip-off in history of this country to think about the billions of dollars the Savings & Loan criminals stole, and about how most of them have gotten away with it. I thought about the

  • The Human Condition: Message Lost in the Capitalist Machine

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    The Human Condition: Message Lost in the Capitalist Machine In The Human Condition, by Hannah Arendt, the fundamental qualities of human behavior are described and analyzed. These qualities are first described by discussing the different entities present in the lives of Athenian Greeks. This partition of human life into separate units is supposed to be applied to modern American society as well, however, the structure of today's social order differs from that of ancient Greek. These disparities

  • Power Struggles in Capitalist Democracies and the Fate of American Labor Unions

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    Power Struggles in Capitalist Democracies and the Fate of American Labor Unions To some, "capitalistic democracy" conjures up the picture of a utopia where the free market is accompanied by individual liberty and social justice. To others, however, the term is more like a paradox—despite tremendous economic power, the advanced industrial nations are not immune from the evils of socio-political inequality as well as economical disparity. Amongst the capitalist democracies of the world, it is

  • Postcolonial Theory and Late Capitalist Criticism Aplied to The Night of the Living Dead Trilogy

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    Postcolonial Theory and Late Capitalist Criticism Aplied to The Night of the Living Dead Trilogy "Turn and Turn about; in these shadows from whence a new dawn will break, it is you who are the zombies." * Jean-Paul Sartre, Preface to The Wretched of the Earth * It is fitting that Sartre uses the zombie as a metaphor for both the colonized and colonizer. He states in the preface to Frantz Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth that European colonizers had relegated natives living in colonial states

  • Capitalist Society in The Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller

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    Capitalist Society in The Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller "Death of a salesman" is a "tragedy of a common man". Throughout the play the reader sees how Willy Loman struggles to achieve something, which is beyond his capability. He has a dream, the American dream of success and accomplishment. And yet, he is not able to ever thrive because his idea of how to succeed is wrong. The times have changed, the play is set in the period of an economic boom and increasing desire for material

  • American Capitalist Society In The 19th Century

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    Means of Criticizing Capitalism and Its Crimes Against Humanity Herman Melville's "Bartleby, The Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street" scrutinizes the alienation of labor, the social ideologies and the dehumanizing consequences of the American capitalist society in the 19th century. Bartleby is the main character in the story. The other characters in the story, Ginger Nut, Nippers and Turkey, barely survive their pragmatic enslavement because they have been brainwashed by the ideology of

  • Exploitation: The Foundation of Capitalism

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    to analyse how the capitalist system works in depth, and how exploitation was central to it. That was what made him different from many anti-capitalist thinkers who have followed him. Simple theories of exploitation say capitalism can be made fair by making the worst capitalists behave. The Marxist theory of exploitation means that society can be made fair only by overthrowing the capitalists and getting rid of their system. So how does the Marxist theory work? Capitalists invest money in factories

  • Capitalist Market

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    Is a capitalist market in everybody’s interest? Even though a for-profit economy has been adopted in much of today’s world, there are people against it. Can we improve the economic organization? What is capitalist market? It is a market where production is made private and is operated for profit. In capitalist market, for-profit economy, the government has little control over country’s market and people are able to do what they want with their own profit. Through capitalism we are offered the most

  • Ecofeminism- Links the domination of women and the domination of nature.

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    Ecofeminism places importance on our connection as people of one earth and also recognizes how women have been, historically in the capitalist patriarchy, labeled as subordinate in relation to the dominating body. The environment falls into this subordinate category because it continues to be pressed and used to benefit the man machine. It may be hard for participants in the capitalist system to open their eyes and accept an ecofeminist stance when the realms of ecology and capitalism are held in opposition

  • The Grapes of Wrath as Communist Propaganda

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    The Grapes of Wrath as Communist Propaganda The Grapes of Wrath may be read as a direct indictment of the U.S. capitalist system of the early and mid twentieth century. Although the book on the surface level can fairly easily be read as anti-capitalist book, it goes further than that. The book both implicitly and explicitly advocates structural changes in the economic institutions of our country. Thus, it may be argued that the Grapes of Wrath is communist propaganda. Propaganda, according to

  • economics

    790 Words  | 2 Pages

    Lesson 1 Project Economic Questions and Vision The two major economic systems in the world are the capitalist (free market) economic system and the socialist economic system. The many different countries of the world usually have an economic system in place that contains elements of both capitalism and socialism. Since the philosophies of capitalism and socialism are opposite, an individual country and its economic system will answer key economic questions differently. Regardless of how much

  • Norma Rae and Labor Conflict

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    the second half of the 20th century labor unions were taken for granted as a basic worker's right (even as membership declined). Norma Rae both emphasizes the power unemployment has over the worker and shows the power that unions can have in the capitalist system. Companies want to control every aspect of the labor process because they need to make profits, and the way in which they control the labor process in Norma Rae (in an attempt to manipulate worker behavior) infringes on basic human rights

  • Communism In The Soviet Union And Why It Failed

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    in fewer and fewer hands where the workers would plunge into a state of ever-increasing misery. These impoverished workers grow in numbers and organize themselves into a political party which would lead a revolution in which they dispose of the capitalists. The proletariat would establish a society governed by a " dictatorship of the proletariat" based on communal ownership of the wealth. According to Marx this phase of human society is referred to as socialism. Communism is the final transcendence

  • New commercial landscaping technological processes and restructured

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    Joe's. In the third quarter of 2002, investors pumped $4.5 billion into 647 entrepreneurial companies, a decrease of 26% from the prior quarter, which saw $6 billion of funding to 838 startups. While IT startups consistently gain venture capitalists' attention, software companies continue to gather the largest amounts of cash despite a 10% drop in funding from the prior quarter. Representing 22% of total investment dollars, 180 software companies got funding, totaling $993 million. "Software

  • Industrialization and Immigration

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    urbanization sparked an increasing demand for a larger and cheaper labor force. The country's transformation from a rural agricultural society into an urban industrial nation attracted immigrants worldwide. As free land and free labor disappeared and as capitalists dominated the economy, dramatic social, political, and economic tensions were created. Religion, labor, and race relations were questioned; populist and progressive thoughts were developed; social Darwinism and nativism movements were launched.

  • Criticism of Capitalism in The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald

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    theory.  Fitzgerald makes Gatsby a novel that is not inherently Marxist or even Socialist, but one that is imbued with Marxist theory.  He does this by denouncing nonhumanitarianism, reification, and market value.  Fitzgerald implies that the Capitalist system does not work because at the end of the novel, all of the characters that represent typical American Capitalism end up either dead or completely unhappy.  Fitzgerald's criticisms work to warn 1920's Americans of their behavior and how