Scarlet Letter Analysis

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“Women belong in the kitchen.” “All women should be barefoot and pregnant.” “Women are strictly homemakers.” These are a few of the commonly used phrases regarding the female role in society that date back to the mid-seventeenth century. However, ardent supporters of gender equality have surfaced in almost every culture where this ideology is practiced. Nathaniel Hawthorne explores this inveterate societal conflict through his story The Scarlet Letter. The main character, Hester Prynne, is punished for committing adultery by being forced to wear a scarlet letter upon her bosom; Hawthorne created a story sympathetic to the female cause and demonstrated, through Hester, qualities of early feminism that later establish themselves during his lifetime. In this novel, the character of Hester Prynne represents an early feminist hero in that she not only challenges society’s view of women during the mid-1800’s but she also takes on the male role in multiple aspects throughout the story.

Although the tangibility of gender equality has progressed throughout time, the definition of feminism and the reasons behind it have long stayed the same. Throughout history, women have been deemed inferior to men and denied simple rights such as education and a political voice. In some cultures, women are presumed evil and the source of misery. In Greek mythology, for example, it was Pandora, a female, who opened the forbidden box and released plagues and devastation among mankind. Likewise, during the Puritan era, when the novel is based, women were belittled and severely oppressed. Generations of Biblical teachings engrained in them that their only duties were to give birth to children, silently attend worship services, and submit to their husband’s ...

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In this novel, the character of Hester Prynne represents an early feminist hero in that she not only challenges her community’s view of women, but she adopts the male perspective in her life and within society. The reasons that lead up to feminism have not changed throughout the years and create people like Hester who use their personalities to change the biased gender roles. She demonstrates this attempt through her constant defiance of the rules and proves that women are capable to do anything a man can. Without women like Hester, sexism would still be accepted in today’s society. People should take into account her determination and use her as an example to stand up for what they believe in and perform every task necessary to begin a revolution. Without people like Hester, the world would remain a stagnant and petty place to live.

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