The Role of Stakeholders on Public Policy

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Stakeholders Stakeholders hold an important role in public policy. They hold an interest in how the program is preforming (266). They are important and have a stake in how things go. They do not just apply to corporate America but many places that people think of. They exist almost everywhere and everyone is stakeholder whether it is a job, a school or in the government. A school could be a considered a program. A teacher could be a stakeholder as teachers have an incentive to perform very well in their classrooms because they could be denied tenure and the same principle applies from the principals to the superattiendents of school systems. Their jobs depend on their particular workstations to function well. A student could be another stakeholder as how the school performs could determine what skills they learn in the real world. Without good schools students lose out on skills that are needed for survive in the real world. Stakeholders can oftentimes good as they hold companies and institutions accountable but can be bad as many times they may encourage behaviors that are not enti...

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