The Role of Human Activities in Climate Change

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To many people around the world, earth is considered to be a place for human beings to live together as one big family. It provides us shelters, foods, water, and the most beautiful sceneries. Without doubt, we are bound to nature. However because the existence of climate change, which according to scientists is defined as the long term changes over climate including temperature and rainfall, the world would probably end up with devastated ecosystem, extinct wildlife, and most importantly despondent humans. The impact that it has on us is incredibly strong that it affects the system of human lives and wildlife. Global warming, precipitating weather, glaciers, and rising of sea level are no more phenomena. Climate change has been a controversial topic for us to consider. This essay will discuss about what humans have contributed toward climate change.

The first cause to come into our mind is most likely to be emission discharged by humans. It is often linked to carbon dioxide (CO2), which is a harmful form of gas produced when burning different chemical compounds and is believed to be the biggest cause of climate change (Carbon Dioxide, 2010, Internet). Once a large amount of carbon dioxide is released into the earth’s atmosphere, the gas is trapped and it disturbs the process of radiation absorption, hence the so-called green house effect occurs. So where does carbon dioxide come from?

Whatever we use in our daily lives is somehow tied to carbon dioxide. The uses of fertilizer and sprayers are good examples of this because during the process of using it, chemicals are released. Energy consumptions and transportations are also great causes of the green house effect. Fossil fuel such as oil, gas, and coal is burnt to generate ener...

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... is too late.

Works Cited

Author unknown, (2010). Carbon Dioxide [online] US EPA. Available from: [Accessed 21 February 2011]

Author unknown, (2007). Math! How much CO2 is released by Aeroplane? [online] SMALL-M. Available from: [Accessed 21 February 2011]

Author unknown, [2009]. Q&A: The Copenhagen climate summit [online] United Kingdom, BBC. Available from: [Accessed 21 February 2011]

Author unknown, [2011]. The IPCC Explains_ Human Responsibility for Increase in CO2 and GHG Concentration [online] Available from: [Accessed 21 February 2011]

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