The Right to an Abortion in Crisis

1932 Words4 Pages

For many years abortion has been the topic of controversy among the political, social and religious spectrum. Each holds individuals with dichotomous views on the legality of abortion. In recent times, the topic of abortion has returned to the courts to challenge political and religious opposing views. In this case, Texas has attempted to combine their religious perspective of abortion into the political sphere by demanding laws restricting abortion practices in clinics. On the other hand, liberal women and women’s rights groups are demanding the unconstitutionality of these restrictions. Therefore the restriction of women’s reproductive rights in laws that are being implemented in Texas should be rejected because of its potential threat to women’s constitutional freedom. Although abortion was legally practiced early in history of the United States, it was soon made illegal state by state because of concerns for its risky and dangerous procedures. However many women who were in need of abortions were getting them illegally. Since the 1880s to 1973 thousands of women had been getting illegal abortions and faced mortal consequences because of primitive practices. According to the National Abortion Confederation, “many women died or suffered serious medical problems after attempting to self-induce their abortions or going to untrained practitioners who performed abortions with primitive methods or in unsanitary conditions.” It was until the Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade that allowed women to get legal and safe abortions including the right of privacy against abortion laws during the first trimester of pregnancy. Nonetheless, the future of abortion changed with the advancement of medicine and with the introduction of safer p... ... middle of paper ... ...ey are entitled by federal law” (“A Corporate Conscience”). Even if religion is an important influence for lawmakers, it should not be a determining factor for what counts as a woman’s natural right. Although the law has been currently partly prohibited, the Planned Parenthood Federation, the Center for Reproductive Rights and clinic owners continue to press for further abolishing of the overall law. Not only does it pose a negative effect on poor women that depend on this help but it is also unconstitutional. Religious ideals have long tried to intervene in the political spectrum and this is an example of Republicans attempting to bring down a basic human right that has been fought for before. In general, the efforts of many women once gaining freedom for their personal choices have begun to fade once again when men in power want to make those decisions for them.

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