Richard Willing, Author of The CSI Effect, Believes the Television Series, CSI Changed the Field of Forensic Science

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In the article “The CSI Effect”, Richard Willing shows how the widely known television series “CSI” has contributed change to the field of science; by how forensic sciences are Perceived and how it is becoming a higher craved career choice. A concerned that Mr. Willing refers is have hit crime shows given a well description of sciences for crime scenes and the work necessary to solve cases. After watching shows as these it makes it appear as though solving mysteries can be unraveled within a short time frame of days or shorter. By glimmering up the science field people are pursuing an illusion of the reality and the work required for capturing and stopping criminals. The science field is made to seem easier than it is, when investigators on a show find confirmation just a few inches away from where they are standing or in the corner of their eye. Detective and Science based shows are exaggerated to an extent to make the show more interesting and far-fetched so that more people become intrigued by the story line, as well as the characters in the shows. The effects of crime shows in r...

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