Analysis Of The Negro Digs Up His Past

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In today’s society, many have come to believe what they have been instructed over the years, whether it is fiction of facts. Living in a world, where only certain race can be seen as superior to others. Schomburg was a pioneer beyond his times. In the article “The Negro Digs up His Past”. The beginning of this essay revealed a powerful statement, “The American Negro must remake his past in order to make his future” (Arthur Schomburg). It is very clear, Schomburg realized the importance of being knowledgeable on your true history. “History must restore what slavery took away, for it is the social damage of slavery that the present generations must repair and offset”. Therefore, I acquiesce with such statement, it is up to the present generation to fight, and to aspire on restoring what was taken away. As we acquired more intelligence, today’s generation must continue …show more content…

For instance, he mentioned where African has played meaningful roles in notable historic American events. However, all of these documents has been purposely hidden in favor of the Caucasian roles in history. Three conclusions have been established regarding the study of the Negro’s past. First, his primary conclusion was that the Negro has been the pioneer, and an active collaborator in his own independence and personal growth. Second, meanwhile, the Negro has been viewed as “exceptional” by many, those who possess such influence and knowledge have been unreasonable separated from the group. Third, “ the remote racial origins of the Negro, far from being what the race and the world have been given to understand, offer a record of credible group achievement when scientifically viewed, and more important still, that they are vital general interest because of their bearing upon the beginning and early development of human culture”. (The Negro Digs Up His Past, Arthur

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