Responsibilities of the Media

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1) The primary role of media delivering the news to the public is to gather and report news that is true, fair, honest, accurate, non-biased and non-critical. The news keeps us informed about what is going on in and around the world, investigating stories and delivering information to a large and diverse audience. The media channels news through television, radio, newspapers, internet, and other products that reach people, groups, and societies. Not only does the news play an investigative role or cover entertainment, but spends time in sustaining democracy, by covering stories in volatile countries so that readers stay informed of current situations. 2) The significance of immediate news delivery is heightened by delivering the news online. Today up-to-date breaking stories can be accessed online, as opposed to waiting for the morning paper, evening news or the radio. The shift from print to electronic digital news enables the reader to see the full information and react in the choice or decision making process. Our culture is diverse in so many aspects depicting fashion, food, music, education, films, and religion, all of which reflect some value of society. Our cultural environment is influenced by the way each individual perceives information from the news media. 3) The social responsibilities of the news media is not just to report news stories, but to report news that is as close to factual as it is. The media news has a tendency to dramatize disaster stories in the event that it would woe large crowds for profit. The news media has a responsibility to readers, to portray its self in a positive l... ... middle of paper ... ...itness, and obesity is most likely a choice of life style. 14) The two major changes in media over the last century have been in Public relations and the First Amendment. Public relations use their skills to cover a wide array of practices. They have a responsibility to oversee, and pay close attention to their clients’ needs. Some of the work covers: cancelling organizes damage control; manage shows and conferences, as well as conveying the message through various channels. The second major change is the right to the first amendment, the expression of free speech is applied to the internet. With all the ethical and legal woes on the internet, copy write infringements, and the right to privacy, the Communication policy on the internet resulted in implements of laws and codes to regulate such Issues.

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