Reflection Of Clinical Practice

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This reflective essay will discuss three skills that I have leant and developed during my placement. The three skills that I will be discussing in this essay are bed-bath, observing a corpse being prepared for mortuary and putting canulla and taking it out. These skills will be discussed in this essay using (Gibb’s, 1988) model. I have chosen to use Gibb’s model because I find this model easier to use and understand to guide me through my reflection process. Moreover, this model will be useful in breaking the new skills that I have developed into a way that I can understand. This model will also enable me to turn my experiences into knowledge that I can refer to in the future when facing same or similar situations. Gibbs model seems to be straightforward compared to the other model which is why I have also chosen it. To abide by the code of conduct of Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) names of the real patients in this essay have been changed to respect the confidentiality. Description On the second week of my placement, I was asked to bed-bath an 85 year male old patient in my bay, in the ward and get him ready for breakfast. This patient had, had a bowel surgery and as a result he had a stoma bag on. This patient was diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) IN 2010, but his condition had grown worse over the years. IBD mainly refers to Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohns disease (CD). However, this patient had Crohns disease. I was asked to bed-bath him by my mentor while she was observing me as she had taught me how to assist patients with their Activities of Daily Living (ADL) which are considered to be important. ADL’s are referred to as the daily needs that individuals normally meet on daily basis for example, bathi... ... middle of paper ... ... in caring for the patient. While bed-bathing my patient I used my interpersonal, listening and communication skills. These helped me when I was talking and giving instructions to my patient. I discovered how important communication is in nursing between the nurse and the patient in order to understand each other fo example asking a patient for consent. Moreover, it is during bed-bathing that the nurse and patient can form a therapeutic relationship leading the patient to trust the nurse. During bed-bathing my patient I also checked to see the skin for example bruises and pressure sores. Since communication and listening skills are vital in nursing, I will, therefore, need to improve my skills so I can be a better nurse in the future. Moreover, next time I should not let my feelings get in the way when approaching a similar or same situation like this in the future.

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