Red Team's Project on Interactive Whiteboards

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On any collaborative project there is a process that is followed to create an end product. First is the topic that is decided on by the group after consideration of several viable subjects. Next is a gathering of resource information that supports the topic and the details giving credence to its relevance while at the same time collating the source information in an annotated bibliography. The group then comes together to outline the proposed team project and the first rough draft is produced. Still later, after many more hours of work and collaboration, the final product is submitted. The preliminary work and annotated bibliography already accomplished, the paper that follows is the presentation outline and rough draft for the Red team’s project on interactive whiteboards.


Through the use of Interactive whiteboards, referred from this point forward as IWBs, the classroom setting moves into the 21st century as teachers and students alike employ this innovative tool to support learning in whatever form they need: text, audio, video, graphics, and images. Its use has heralded a new paradigm in the way lessons are taught allowing lessons to be more visual as well as giving students more hands-on, authentic learning experiences. This new “soup de jour” in education has many advantages and disadvantages, as well as a variety of applications that can be found throughout the educational spectrum, making many school districts seriously consider all its pros and cons when planning their future classrooms’ use of multimedia and technology.

Impact of Multimedia on Learning

Ensuring learners have access to instruction that they need is an important component of cognitive learning theory which is...

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...s alike. All of these disadvantages can impede the productivity of the device and further investigation is needed to find solutions to these problems so that it can blend seamlessly into the educational process.


Generally speaking, the use of IWBs has definitely changed the look and feel of daily classroom lessons. Teachers are acutely aware of its capabilities and drawbacks but are able to apply new insight into their method of lesson delivery and activities for the students that can be incorporated by its use. Students can use the IWB for independent practice and in many instances receive immediate feedback. Add to these aspects the fact that the IWB has etched out its position, not only in education but in many other fields and applications, and you have a multimedia tool which has taken the educational environment and altered it forever.

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