The Recruitment and Selection Process for Employees

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The recruitment and selection process refers to where organisations use various methods in order to generate a pool of candidates that are suited to the job at hand and align with the organisations goals. With technology being used and relied on by many in the business world, it is important that organisations stay relevant by implementing both web-based applications methods and scientific tests to attract the best possible people for the job. These both have their benefits and negatives when used in the recruitment and selection process, but with some modifications, they would further aid organisations to attract the best possible employees to fit into the job.

The key concept of a recruitment and section process is to create a talent pool of applicants that are well suited for the job available. There are several reasons why they are beneficial to include into a recruitment and selection process. Firstly, Chapman and Webster (2003, pp. 113-120) reveals that electronic systems generate a higher quantity of applicants, with research by McManus and Ferguson (2003, pp. 175-183) reinforcing this and explaining that more educated and computer literate are likely to used electronic systems which is more suited for higher positioned jobs (Stone, 2013, pp.51). "Applicants rarely talk to anyone, even by email, during the hiring process" Article. On the other hand, some applicants may feel out-of touch using computer-based programs and turn them away from the job (Stone, 2006, pp. 229-244). However, a higher quantity of candidates is not always beneficial for an organisation. Web-based systems are shown to provide basic skill requirements and simplify the process to provide a detailed job description and to attract a higher quality of...

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... text and cases, Harlow, UK: FT/Prentice Hall. pp. 89-93

Scientific & Technical. (2006). Recruitment Process: The Recruitment Process Retrieved May 24, 2014 from

Stone, D., Lukaszewski, K. Stone-Romero, E., & Johnson, T. (2013). Factors affecting the effectiveness and acceptance of electronic selection systems, Human Resource Management Review, 23: pp.50-70

Stone, D., Stone-Romero, E.F., & Lukaszewski, K. M. (2006). Factors affecting the acceptance and effectiveness of electronic human resource systems. Human Resource Management Review, 16, pp.229-244

Reiter-Palmon, R., Brown, M., Sandall, D. L, Bublotz, C., & Nimps, T. (2006). Development of an ONET web-based job analysis and its implementation in the U.S. Navy: Lessons learned. Human Resource Management Review, 16, pp.294-309

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