The Reason to Increase the Age Limit of Smoking

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Cigarette contains different poisonous ingredients, and nicotine is the one that creates addiction and leads to different diseases. Smoking cigarette is one of the worst problems our world is facing and the main reason for this term to be stressful is its consequence. Cigarette can cause different diseases that can directly or indirectly lead to death; “tobacco use is responsible for nearly 1 in 5 deaths in the united states” (cigarette smoking). Most of the time this consequence highly exists on young smokers or victims can be affected by the consequence because they started smoking young. In the United States 18 is the legal age for smoking cigarette and people are still using this law, but it is now the right time for a change because young citizens were affected a lot as a result of early age smoking. Instead of setting the age limit of smoking cigarette 18, we have to raise it to 21 because of the responsibility, Health issue, and since the alcohol drinking and marijuana smoking age Is 21, we have to use the same age limit for smoking cigarette.
The first reason why we have to increase the age limit of smoking cigarette is based on the responsibility that one can take. Responsibility can be defined as the state of being responsible for what we are doing, and it is believed any person above the age of 18 is responsible for everything he does. When we come to our topic almost all states set the age of smoking cigarette 18 which is a wrong judgment. Most people give support to this age limit because they believe any person above the age of 18 is considered as an adult and since 18 year old can vote and go to a war, there is no reason to restrict their freedom of choice that includes smoking of a cigarette, but w...

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...ecause their organ and muscles are partially developed when it is compared with the 18 years old smokers; earlier we start smoking the more we get affected.
From the above few paragraphs, we are able to learn how young smokers can be affected by smoking cigarette especially young smokers that are legally allowed to smoke. Currently the age limit of smoking cigarette is starting to change from 18 to 21; according to the New York Times Needham, Mass.., Boston and New York, raised the smoking age to 21 (Hartocollis). States start to increase the age limit of smoking cigarette to 21 because they have realized they were using the wrong age limit for smoking cigarette. The united states spend a lot of money on health care concerning cigarette smoking, but if the age limit is raised to 21, The country might save millions of dollars.

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