Rational Knowledge and The Mind

627 Words2 Pages

To provide solutions to philosophical problems such as, how world process was created, man must be in possession of rational, intuition, and intuitive knowledge. Rational knowledge is human reasoning and requires verification. The ability of man to reason while giving logical step by step demonstration and arguments is referred to as human knowledge and it has a rational source. According to Carriero and Broughton (2011), genuine rational knowledge is provided by clear and separate knowledge of wholesome intellect with sense deliverances interaction. Sen (1996) considers rational knowledge as the knowledge of change in states of specific entities, in the sense that human experience is a confirmation of change. What are its classes, provisions and philosophical problem associated with rational knowledge? The paper seeks to examine rational knowledge by addressing the above three issues.

Ghazali in his theory of virtue considers rational knowledge as a complicated discipline which contains three divisions or classes. Mathematics and logic takes the elements of the first class. In this division, mathematics is inclusive of geometry, music, and arithmetic. Physics takes the second division comprising medicine and mineralogy among the other natural sciences. The third and major class is metaphysics, which examines the existence of Creator. It reflects His real meaning and aspects. After providing this division, he classifies ethics in religious science showing that ethics belongs to another type of knowledge called practical religious. He later combines both rational and religious knowledge into knowledge of mystics (Sherif, 1975). This raises the issue, where and how is rational knowledge acquired? As many philosophers put it, ‘Knowl...

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...d to understand among other mental acts. Possession of a mind implies that element is in a position of performing such mental acts, and the ability to either doubt, or understand or exhibit any of the mental acts implies that one is in a position of equally doing every mental act. Failure to perform of the mental acts also is an indication of the inability to perform any of the mental acts (Carriero & Broughton, 2011). Rational knowledge is valid but it must be combined with other knowledge to break its confinements so that it becomes sufficient when it comes to larger and broad fields.

Works Cited

Carriero, J. &Broughton, J. A Companion of Descartes. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, London.


Sen, P. Axomatic Philosophy. New Age International (P) Limited, New Delphi. 1996.

Sherif, A.M. Ghazali’s Theory of Virtue. State University of New York, New York. 1975.

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