Radiation and Tyroid Cancer

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For decades, the effects of radiation has been studied by doctors around the world. X-rays are used in the medical and dental field to take radiographs of certain parts of a person's body. Some have become concerned of the long term and short term effects of having x-rays taken because of the radiation that is exposed. Since the rise of concern, studies have been done to find any type of link between cancer and radiation from x-rays. Specifically, in dental x-rays, researchers have been performing studies trying to prove that radiation from x-rays in the dental office can cause cancer .
In 2011, Colleagues from the National Cancer Institute conducted a study involving dental x-rays. Sara Schonfield and others did comparisons with the number of x-rays in the dental field for a group of people who have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer (Radiation and Thyroid Cancer.) She studied that group before they were even diagnosed to others without thyroid cancer. The ones who have had dental x-rays had more chances of developing thyroid cancer. More than 75% were diagnosed with thyroid cancer before turning 44 years old. Because of this study, their result was that the more x-rays conducted, the higher the chance of being diagnosed with thyroid cancer. From 1972 to 2002 there was a 140% increase in thyroid cancer diagnosis (Brody.) Because of this, more researchers have decided to do studies about the increase and the causes. From the year 2000 to the year 2008, it was recorded that twice as many women were diagnosed with thyroid cancer than ever before. The numbers keep rising year after year. There has been a sharp increase involving the diagnosis of thyroid cancer within the past 2 decades. But according to the researchers at the Vetera...

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...achines are not being studied or monitored so there is no way to know if the newer modern technology is a huge change. Those who have used the old machines that exposed more radiation are the ones that are older and those are the ones that have been studied. There is going to be more needed investigations to find out the cause of thyroid cancer. For now, it is said that dental x-rays is not the immediate cause for thyroid cancer.

Works Cited

Nordqvist (Sunday 6 June 2010). Multiple Dental x-rays raise risk of thyroid cancer. www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/191025.php
Radiation and Thyroid Cancer. www.stopcancerfund.org
Roslin (August 14, 2013). Studies link dental X-rays to brain tumours, thyroid cancer, and low birth weight. www.straight.com
Brody (April 25, 2011). Thyroid fears aside, that x-ray's worth it. www.nytimes.com/2011/04/26/health/26brody.html?_r=0

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