Racial Inequailty in America

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During Dr. King speech, “I have a Dream” which he gave in front of Lincoln’s memorial because of what Lincoln did for all the black communities and society. Dr. King’s philosophy is making peace through non violence because violence brings more violence and chaos. He gave that speech because he wanted to state equality for all men no matter the skin color, ethnic background you come from, whether you are black or white. He believes that both the black and white people can live together in peace as one by arguing for the Negro’s freedom. The reason why he was mention about freedom and equality for all men is because he personally experiences firsthand what equality and freedom was like. It was when he went up to the North where there is no slavery. From that experience, he wanted to end racial inequality down in the South. Despite Dr. King’s achievement, there is still racial inequality in the U.S, especially with the racial profiling, Virginia voter ID, and employment status. After doing some research of the U.S laws and comparing it to King’s dream, there were some laws that supported racial equality, while there were those that was against racial equality in the United State. The main law that gave human their equality was the Fourteenth amendment which stated "All persons born or naturalized in the US...are citizens...nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person...the equal protection of the laws." If you are born or a citizen in the United Stated, you have the right to life, liberty, and happiness no question ask. Although this law was passed in 1868, many years this law was not true for the African American. Especially during Dr. King’s era. In Dr. K... ... middle of paper ... ...among everyone, it was not complete. I believe the U.S law is lacking enforcement of racial equality, as a result of the lack of enforcement of laws today; there is racial inequality amount us. It is not just toward black and white, there are the Chinese, Latinos, and many different ethnic backgrounds. Primarily because no one believes this is still happening and no one cares about the minorities. Some might disagree with what I have to say. In the end, it all comes down to you and the decision you make. Works Cited ....

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