Quotes Indicating Morality in The Grapes of Wrath

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People often give up everything that have for others, not because they have a lot to give, but because they know what it feels like to have nothing.

Quote: “She looked at Rose of Sharon huddled in the comfort. Ma’s eyes passed Rose of Sharon’s eyes passed Rose of Sharon’s eyes and then came back to them. And the two women looked deep into each other” (454).

These were the actions taken before Rose of Sharon helps the starving stranger in the barn by feeding him her breast milk. Even though the Joads have never met this man, they know what it is like to be hungry and to suffer. Therefore, Rose of Sharon makes a huge sacrifice to help someone in need.

Quote: “...but sometimes a guy’ll be a good guy even if some rich bastard makes him carry a sticker” (7).

Example: When the shop owner lends Ma money even though he could lose his job if he was caught. (376)

In the novel, most people have to do whatever job that was necessary to make money to support their families. Even though these people might represent a large “monster” company, they are essentially the “same people” as the migrants and know what it is like to have nothing, so it makes it easier for them to help the migrants.

Quote: “If you’re in trouble or hurt or in need-- go to poor people. They’re the only ones that’ll help-- the only ones” (376).

In this quote, Ma explains that poor people are the only people who understand suffering and the fear of suffering. They are the only ones during this time that can feel sympathy for other sufferers. So, they help others because they hope that one day, if necessary, someone else would help them.

Outside Quote: “It was becoming clear to him that any system of morality-one of the things for which he had searched dur...

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...ad grown so desperate to make money to survive that the lines that defined their morality become blurred or even forgotten. When Casy says these quotes above it reveals that people don’t even look to religion do do what is right, they have to do what is necessary to survive.

Quote: “‘Here’s me that used to give all my fights against the devil ‘cause I figgered the devil was the enemy. But they’s somepin worse’n the devil got hold a the country, an’ it ain’t gonna let go till it’s chopped loose.” (129)

This is the beginning of the rebellion. Casy has “seen the light” and now sees the corruption of society that is so evil, that something has to be done. “But they’s somepin worse’n the devil got hold a the country” seems to say that the economy or society has become so corrupt that it acts like the devil in “stealing the souls” or in this case the morals of people.

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